Specialized store in wholesale of minerals

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  •  MINERALS -  Figures / Handicrafts -  Balls - 30mm Magnetic Hematite Balls. Set 2 Un.
    Agate Ball 20mm
    Amethyst Ball 18mm. Set 10 uni.
    Aventurine Ball 20mm
    Aventurine Ball 30mm
    Balck Obsidian Ball 20mm
    Black Obsidian Ball 25mm
    Black Onyx Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Blue Howlite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Blue Howlite Ball 20mm
    Breciated Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Breciated Jasper Ball 30mm
    Calcite Ball 30mm
    Carnelian Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Carnelian Ball 30mm
    Chiastolite Ball 25mm
    Citrine Ball 25mm
    Copper Balls 30mm. Set 2 un.
    Dalmatian Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Dalmatian Jasper Ball 30mm
    Green Jadeite Ball 20mm
    Green Jadeite Ball 30mm
    Green Quartz Ball 30mm
    Hematite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Hematite Ball 30mm
    Jade Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Labradorite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Labradorite Ball 30mm
    Landscape Jasper Ball 32mm
    Leopard Jasper Ball 70mm
    Ocean Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Ocean Jasper Ball 30 mm
    Orange Calcite Anti-Stress Balls Box
    Red Aventurine Anti-Stress Balls Box
    Red Aventurine Ball 30mm
    Red Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Red Jasper Ball 32mm
    Red Obsidian Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Red Obsidian Ball 30mm
    Rhodochrosite Ball 40-45mm
    Rhodochrosite Ball 50-55mm
    Rhodochrosite Ball 60-70mm
    Rock Crystal Ball (10-15 mm). Set 5 un.
    Rock Crystal Ball 60-70mm
    Rock Crystal Ball 60mm
    Rock Crystal Ball 80-90mm
    Rodhonite Ball 20mm
    Rose Quartz Ball 30mm
    Shungite Ball 15cm
    Shungite Ball 2cm
    Shungite Ball 4cm
    Shungite Ball 6cm
    Sodalite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Sodalite Ball 20mm
    Sodalite Ball 30mm
    Sodalite Ball 40mm
    Tiger Eye Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Tiger's Eye Ball 20 mm
    Tiger's Eye Ball 25mm
    Tiger's Eye Ball 30mm
    Tourmaline Ball 20mm
    Tourmaline Ball 35mm
    Wave Stone Ball 32mm
    Wavestone Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Yellow Calcite Ball assortment 7-9cm
    Yellow Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
     MINERALS -  Figures / Handicrafts -  Tips - Agate Point with Natural Geode
    Amethyst Double Point
    Amethyst Double Point
    Amethyst Double Point
    Amethyst Point 50-80 gr
    Amethyst Point 80-100gr
    Amethyst Point Brazil (Price per Kg.)
    Amethyst polished Point 100-150gr
    Amethyst polished Point 150-200gr
    Aura Amethyst Point (4-5cm)
    Aura Amethyst Point (5-6cm)
    Aura Rainbow Amethyst Point (4-5cm)
    Aura Rainbow Amethyst Point (5-6cm)
    Bitermined Rock Crystal Laser Point
    Black Obsidian Double Point
    Blue Howlite Point 3,5x1,5cm
    Blue Quartz Point (4-5 cm)
    Calcite Point 75gr
    Citrine with Base Points 30gr
    Citrine with Base Points 50-90grs
    Crystal Quartz Point Extra Quality
    Crystall Rock Point 100gr
    Fluorite polished Point 20-30g
    Fluorite polished Point 30-50g
    Green Quartz Point 5,5x2cm
    Irregular polished Amethyst Point 75-100gr
    Lapislazuli Point (less than 50g)
    Lapislazuli Point 50gr
    Madagascar Rock Crystal Point -50 gr
    Polished Rock Crystal Point 40-80grs
    Rock Crystal and Hematite Point. Bag 250 gr.
    Rock Crystal Double Point
    Rock Crystal Point
    Rock Crystal Point 150-200gr
    Rock Crystal Point 250-300g
    Rose Quartz Double Point
    Rose Quartz Double Point
    Rose Quartz Double Point. Price Kg.
    Rose Quartz Point 250gr
    Rose Quartz Point 50gr
    Rose Quartz Point 80gr
    Ruby Zoisite Point 5-6cm
    Ruby Zoisite Point 6-7cm
    Semi-Polished Amethyst Point with Cut Base (5-7cm)
    Semi-Polished Amethyst Point with Cut Base (7-8m)
    Semi-polished Amethyst Points Bolivia (Price per Kg.)
    Sodalite Double Point
    Sodalite Point
    Tiger's Eye Double Point
    Titanium Quartz Point
    White Howlite Point 5,5x2cm
    Yellow Calcite Point 130-170grs
    Yellow Calcite Point 3,5 x 1,5 cm
     MINERALS -  Figures / Handicrafts -  Piramyds - 110mm Fossil Jasper Pyramid
    25-35mm Amethyst Pyramid
    25mm Black Tourmalina Pyramid
    25mm Grey Agate Pyramid
    30-40mm Brown Agathe Pyramid
    30mm Rose Quartz Pyramid
    35-40mm Citrine Pyramid
    35mm Golden Aventurine Pyramid
    35mm Yellow Calcite Pyramid
    40-50mm Blue Agate Pyramid
    40-50mm Gray Agathe Pyramid
    45mm Golden Aventurine Pyramid
    45mm Leopard Jasper Pyramid
    50-60 mm. Brown Agathe Pyramid
    50-60mm Blue Agate Pyramid
    50-60mm Grey Agate Pyramid
    60-70mm Blue Agate Pyramid
    Amethyst Pyramid 20mm
    Calcite Obelisk 30gr
    Fluorite Obelisk 40-60 gr
    Fluorite Pyramid 4x4cm
    Garnet Pyramid
    Labradorite Pyramid 5cm
    Malachite Pyramid 30mm
    Malachite Pyramid 40mm
    Moon Stone Pyramid 25-30mm
    Obsidian Pyramid
    Pirite Pyramid 30-40 mm
    Pyrite Pyramid 25-30 mm
    Pyrite Pyramid. 5x5cm
    Red Jasper Pyramid 40x45mm
    Rock Crystal Pyramid 2x2cm
    Rose Quartz Obelisk 40gr
    Rose Quartz Pyramid 20mm
    Shungite Pyramide 5 cm
    Shungite Pyramide 7cm
    Snowflake Obsidian Pyramid
    Sun Stone Pyramid 30-40mm
    Unakite Pyramid 35mm
     JEWELLERY -  Rings -  Silver Rings - Black Agathe Ring
    Labradorite Ring
    Smoky Quartz Ring
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Tip pendants - Amethyst Pendant Point. Set 3 un.
    Amethyst Point Pendant
    Aventurine Point Pendant
    Aventurine Point Pendant
    Azurite-Malachite Imitation Point Pendant
    Blue Aventurine (Blue Sun Stone) Point Pendant
    Blue Howlite Point Pendant
    Blue Quartz Point Pendant
    Calchedony Point Pendant
    Carnelian Point Pendant
    Chalcedony Pendant Point. Set 5 un
    Chrysoprase Point Pendant
    Citrine Pendant
    Crystal Quarts Pendant Point. Set 3 un.
    Crystal Quartz Pendant Point
    Fluorite Pendant Point. Set 3u.
    Fluorite Point and silver Pendant
    Fluorite Point Pendant
    Golden Aventurine Point Pendant
    Goldstone Point and silver Pendant
    Green Aventurine Point Pendant
    Green Fluorite Point Pendant
    Green Jade Point and silver Pendant
    Green Jadeite Point Pendant.
    Green Quartz Point and silver Pendant
    Hematite Pendant Point. Set 3u.
    Hematite Point Pendant
    Hematite Point Pendant
    Hematite Point Pendant Doubly Terminated
    Howlite Point and silver Pendant
    Howlite Point Pendant
    Imitation Opal Point Pendant
    Irai Jasper Point Pendant
    Jade Point Pendant
    Kambaba Jasper Point Pendant
    Lapis Lazuli Point Pendant
    Lapis Lazuli Point Pendant
    Mineral Point Pendant. Set 6 Un.
    Moss Agate Point and silver Pendant
    Onyx Point and silver Pendant
    Polichrome Jasper Point and silver Pendant
    Pyrite Point Pendant
    Red Aventurine Point Pendant
    Red Jasper Point Pendant
    Red Jasper Point Pendant + Silver
    Red Tiger Eye Point Pendant
    Rhodonite Point Pendant
    Rock Crystal and silver Point Pendant
    Rock Crystal Point Pendant
    Rose Quartz Point and silver Pendant
    Rose Quartz Point and silver Pendant
    Rose Quartz Point Pendant
    Rose Quartz Point Pendant
    Rose Quartz Point Pendant
    Rough Citrine Pendant
    Selenite Point and silver Pendant
    Smoky Quartz Point Pendant
    Snowflake Obsidian Point Pendant
    Sodalite Point Pendant
    Tiger Eye Pendant Point. Set 3 un.
    Tiger Eye Point and Silver Pendant
    Tiger Eye Point and silver Pendant
    Tiger Eye Point Pendant
    Tiger Eye Point Pendant
    Tiger's Eye Point and silver Pendant
    Tiger's Eye Point Pendant
    Tourmaline Point and silver Pendant
    Unakite Point Pendant
    Unakite Point Pendant
    Yellow Quartz Point Pendant
     JEWELLERY -  Necklaces - Amazonite Ball Necklace Ø16mm
    Amber Necklace 150cm
    Amber Necklace 40cm
    Amber Necklace 40cm
    Amethyst Ball Necklace
    Amethyst Ball Necklace 14mm
    Black Tumbled Agate Necklace. Set 5 un.
    Blue Quarz Pill Necklace 45cm
    Blue Steel Chocker
    Brecciated Jasper Strip.
    Carnelian Ball Faceted Necklace
    Carnelian Ball Necklace
    Carnelian Strip (14mm)
    Chalcedony Necklace
    Chrysocolla Imitation Necklace
    Dark Blue Steel Chocker
    Doughnut Rhodonite Necklace
    Golder Steel Chocker
    Green Fluorite Necklace
    Green Fluorite Necklace
    Green Steel Chocker
    Hematite Necklace
    Howlita Silver Pill Necklace
    Howlite Necklace Donut
    Jade Silver Necklace Teardrops
    Labradorite Necklace
    Malachite Imitacion Necklace
    Malachite Imitacion Necklace oval.
    Necklace Red Agate
    Necklace Turquoise
    Obsidian Strip.
    Onyx Silver Pill Necklace
    Opale Synthetic Ball Necklace
    Opaline Necklace
    Oval Rhodonite Necklace
    Oval Unakite Necklace
    Pill Cracked Quartz Necklace
    Quartz Crystal Necklace
    River Pearl Strip.
    River Pearl Strip.
    River Pearl Strip.
    River Pearl Strip.
    Rock Crystal Chip Necklace
    Rose Quartz Necklace (6mm)
    Rubber Chocker 4mm
    Septarian Oval Necklace
    Serpentine Strip
    Sodalite Necklace
    Sodalite Necklace Button
    Strip in red bamboo coral.
    Synthetic Aquamarine Pill Necklace
    Synthetic Opale Pill Necklace 90cm
    Tree of Life and Onyx Necklace.
    Turquenite Necklace
    Turquenite Necklace
    Turquoise Strip.
    Unakite Ball Necklace
    Unakite Pill Necklace
    Unakite Strip.
    Watermelon Tourmaline Chip Necklace
    Watermelon Tourmaline Strip chip.
     JEWELLERY -  Display case - 4mm Bead Bracelet Display (45 bracelets)
    6mm Bead Bracelets Display (45 bracelets)
    8mm Bead Bracelets Display (45 bracelets)
    Biterminated Point Pendants Display (45 pendants)
    Ethniac Bracellet Display case (4 rings with 240 bracellet)
    Ethnic Bracelets Hood Display (90 bracelets)
    Heart Pendant Showcase (13 pieces)
    Magic Stones Showcase
    Magic Stones Showcase
    Rose Quartz Heart pendant Display (27 pendants) SV
     JEWELLERY -  Earrings - Jadeite Ring Earring
    Rock Crystal Earring
    Rose Quartz Square Hangen Earring
     JEWELLERY -  Bracelets -  Semi-Precious Bracelet -
    Abalone Bracelet "Tears of the Ocean"
    African Turquoise Bracelet Beads 6mm. (Set 3u)
    Amazonite Irregular Tumbled Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Amethyst Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Amethyst Bracelet. Beads 4mm. Set 3 Un.
    Aquamarine Tumbled Bracellet
    Aragonite Hawai Bracellet
    Aragonite Square Bracellet
    Arizona Turquoise Bracelet (Ball 4mm)
    Arizona Turquoise Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Arizona Turquoise Bracelet Irregular Shapes
    Assorted Stone Bracellet (set 5 pcs)
    Assortment of Irregular Tumbled Bracelet (set 3u.)
    Aura Quartz 4mm Ball Bracellet (Set 2u.)
    Aura Quartz 6mm Ball Bracellet (set 2u.)
    Aventurine Irregular Tumbled Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Banded Black Agate Bracelet (14mm Ball)
    Banded Brown Agate Bracelet (6mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Banded Brown Agate Bracelet (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Banded Fuchsia Agate Bracelet (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Banded Green Agate Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Banded Purple Agate Bracelet (6mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Banded Purple Agate Bracelet (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Black Agate Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Black Agate Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Black Agate Bracelet (Ball 8mm)
    Black Coral Bracelet
    Black Obsidian Hawai Bracellet
    Blue Howlite Flat Bracelet
    Blue Howlite Oval Bracelet 8mm
    Bracelet Amethyst (8mm Ball)
    Bracelet Blue Agate (12mm Ball)
    Bracelet Colored Mixed (Ball 6mm). Set 3 Un.
    Bracelet Fluorite Ball 4mm. Set 3 units
    Bracelet Fluorite Ball 6mm.
    Bracelet Green Agate (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Bracelet Green Agathe (Ball 12mm)
    Bracelet Indian Agate (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Bracelet Quartz with Tourmaline (6mm Ball)
    Bracelet Quartz with Tourmaline (8mm Ball)
    Bracelet Rhodonite 6mm Ball
    Bracelet Rutilated Quartz (6mm Ball)
    Bracelet Turquenite Rectangular stones 3,5cm
    Bracellet Aventurine Ø12mm Ball
    Brecciated Jasper Bracelet (Ball 12mm)
    Brecciated Jasper Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Brown Agate Bracelet (4 mm). Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian Bracelet (12mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian Bracelet (14mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian bracelet (6 mm)
    Carnelian Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian Bracelet (Ball 6mm). Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian Bracelet (Ball 8mm)
    Carnelian Bracelet with Cross
    Carnelian Bracellet (Ball 14mm)
    Carnelian Extra Bracelet (Ball 12mm)
    Carnelian Hawai Chip Bracelet
    Carnelian Irregular Tumbled Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian Octogonals shapes Bracellet
    Carnelian Oval Bracelet (Ball 18mm)
    Carnelian Oval Bracellet (Ball 12mm)
    Carnelian Oval Bracellet (Ball 14mm)
    Carnelian Square Bracelet
    Chakras Bracelet
    Crystal Cracket 6mm Ball Bracelet
    Crystal Cracket 8mm Ball Bracelet
    Crystal Faceted Bracelet (Ball 10mm). Set 3 Un.
    Crystal Faceted Bracelet (Ball 6mm). Set 3 Un.
    Crystal Faceted Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Crystal Faceted Bracelet (flat Ball 10mm). Set 3 Un.
    Crystal Quartz Bracelet with a cross
    Crystal Quartz Irregular Tumbled Bracelet (set 3u.)
    Dalmatian Jasper 6mm Ball Bracellet
    Dalmatian Jasper 8mm Ball Bracellet (set 3un.)
    Dalmatian Jasper Bracelet Beads 4mm. (Set 3u)
    Dark Blue Agate Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Double Turquoise Bracelet Ø4mm
    Faceted Garnet Bracellet.
    Faceted Jet Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Faceted Jet Bracelet (Ball 8mm)
    Faceted Rock Crystal Bracelet (10mm Ball)
    Faceted Square Rock Crystal Bracellet
    Flat faceted Tiger's Eye Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Flat Volcanic Stone Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Fluorite Bracelet (14mm beads). Set 3 Un.
    Fluorite Bracelet with a cross
    Fluorite Irregular Tumbled Bracelet (set 3u.)
    Garnet 8mm Ball Bracellet
    Golden Aventurine Bracelet (Ball 12mm)
    Golden Aventurine Bracelet (Ball 12mm). Set 3 Un.
    Golden Aventurine Bracelet (Ball 14mm). Set 3 Un.
    Golden Aventurine Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Golden Aventurine Faceted Bracelet (10mm Beads). Set 3 Un.
    Golden Aventurine Faceted Bracelet (Ball 12mm). Set 3 Un.
    Golden Aventurine Faceted Bracellet (8mm beads)
    Golden Aventurine Hawai Bracellet
    Golden bracelet (Beads 8mm)
    Goldstone hexagonal shapes Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Goldstone Oval Bracellet (Ball 14mm)
    Goldstone Ovals Bracellet (Ball 18mm)
    Gray Agate Irregular Tumbled Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Green Agate Banded Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Green Aventurine Bracellet (6mm Ball)
    Green Aventurine Bracellet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Green Aventurine Faceted Bracelet (14mm beads). Set 3 Un.
    Green Aventurine Faceted Bracellet (12mm Ball)
    Green Aventurine Ovals Bracelet 15mm
    Green Jadeite 8mm Ball Bracellet
    Green Jadeite Tibetan 6mm Ball Bracellet
    Hawaii Red Jasper Chip Bracelet
    Hematite Saint Bracellet. Set 12un.
    Hematite/Tiger Eye/Crystal Quartz Bracelet
    Howlita Plain Bracellet
    Howlite 10mm Ball Bracellet
    Howlite 6mm Ball Bracellet. Set 3un
    Howlite Square Bracellet
    Howlite Tibetan 4mm Ball Bracellet. Set 3un
    Howlite Tibetan 8mm Ball Bracellet. Set 3un
    Indian Agate Bracelet Bead 4mm. Set 3 Un.
    Indian Agate Bracelet. Ball 6mm. Set 3 Un
    Irregular Blue Quartz Bracellet
    Irregular Cianite Bracelet
    Jade Bracelet beads 4mm. Set 3un
    Jadeite 8mm Ball with pendant Bracellet (set 4 pcs)
    Kambaba Jasper Bracelet Beads 10mm. (Set 3u)
    Kambaba Jasper Bracelet Beads 4mm. (Set 3u)
    Kambaba Jasper Bracelet Beads 6mm. (Set 3u)
    Kambaba Jasper Bracelet Beads 8mm. (Set 3u)
    Labradorite Bracelet (Balls 4mm)
    Labradorite Bracelet (Balls 6 mm)
    Leopard Jasper Bracelet (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Malachite Extra 4mm Ball Bracellet. Set 3un.
    Mixed Mineral Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Mixed Tiger Eye Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Moon Stone Bracellet. Set 2 un.
    Moonstone Bracelet Bead 6mm.
    Moonstone Bracelet. Set 5un.
    Moss Agate Bracelet 8mm
    Obsidian Bracelet Ball 4mm. Set 3 units
    Obsidian Bracelet Ball 6mm. Set 3 units
    Obsidian Bracelet Ball 8mm.
    Onyx Ball with Zirconite Bracellet
    Onyx Bracellet
    Onyx Button Bracellet
    Onyx Faceted Bracelet
    Onyx Faceted Bracelet (Ball 12mm). Set 3 Un.
    Onyx Tumbled Bracellet
    Opale Bracellet
    Orange Agate Banded Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Orange Agate Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Orbicular Jasper Long Bracellet
    Pink Agate Bracelet (Ball 6mm). Set 3 Un.
    Prehenite 8mm Ball Bracellet
    Prehenite Square Bracellet
    Pyrite Bracelet
    Red Aventurine Bracelet (Ball 10mm)
    Red Aventurine Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Red Aventurine Faceted Bracelet (Ball 12mm). Set 3 Un.
    Red Aventurine Faceted Bracellet (8mm beads)
    Red Jasper Bracelet (6mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Red Jasper Bracelet Beads 4mm. (Set 3u)
    Red Jasper Button Bracellet
    Red Jasper Hawai Bracellet
    Red Jasper Irregular Tumbled Bracelet (set 3u.)
    Red Jasper Square Bracellet
    Red Jasper Tibetan 8mm Ball Bracellet
    Red Tiger's Eye Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Rhodonite bracelet 4mm
    Rock Crystal 8mm Ball Bracelet
    Rock Crystal Bracelet (14mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Rock Crystal Bracelet (Ball 4mm). Set 3 Un.
    Rock Crystal Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Rock Crystal Bracellet
    Rock Crystal Bracellet
    Rock Crystal Square Bracellet
    Rock Crystal Tumbled Bracellet
    Rodhonite Tibetan 8mm Ball Bracellet
    Rose Quartz 10mm Ball Bracellet
    Rose Quartz 4mm Ball Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Rose Quartz 6mm Ball Bracellet. Set 3 Un.
    Rose Quartz Bracelet (8mm Ball). Set 3 Un.
    Rose Quartz Square Bracellet
    Rose Quartz Tumbled Bracellet. set 6un
    Shungit Bracelet Ball 4 mm.
    Shungite and Tiger Eye bracelet
    Shungite Bracellet 6mm Ball
    Shungite Bracellet 8mm Ball
    Snowflake Obsidian Bracelet (10mm Ball)
    Snowflake Obsidian Bracelet (12mm Ball)
    Snowflake Obsidian Bracellet (14mm beads)
    Sodalite Bracelet (Balls 6mm). Set 3 Un.
    Sodalite Bracelet (Balls 8mm).
    Sodalite Bracelet (beads 4mm)
    Square Tyger Eye Bracelet
    Square Volcanic Stone Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Tectite Bracellet
    Tiger's Eye 12mm Ball Bracellet
    Tiger's Eye 14mm Ball Bracellet
    Tiger's Eye Bracelet beads 12mm. Set 3 Un.
    Tourmaline Bracelet (8mm Ball)
    Tourmaline Bracelet 4mm
    Tourmaline Bracelet 6mm
    Tourmaline Bracellet. Set 3 units
    Tumbled Carnelian Bracelet
    Turquenite Oval Bracellet 12mm
    Turquoise Bracelet (Ball 6mm)
    Turquoise Bracelet (Ball 8mm)
    Unakite Bracelet Beads 4mm. (Set 3u)
    Unakite Bracellet (Ball 6mm). set 3un
    Unakite Hawai Bracellet
    Unakite Irregular Tumbled Bracelet (set 3u.)
    Violet Agate Bracelet (4 mm). Set 3 Un.
    Watermelon Tourmaline Bracelet (6mm Ball)
    White Quartz 12mm Ball Bracellet
    White Quartz 8mm Ball Bracellet
    Yellow Jade Bracellet (6mm Ball). Set 3u.
    Yellow Jade Irregular Tumbled Bracelet (set 3u.)
    Yellow Jadeite Tumbled Bracellet
     JEWELLERY -  Bracelets -  Assorted Bracelets - "Spiral" bracelet. Set 5 un.
    "Ying-Yang" bracelet. Set 5 un.
    16 Coin Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    3 Coin Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    3 Coin Brown Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Assorted Colour Bracellet
    Camel Bone Bracellet. Price 5un
    Coconut Wood Bracellet. Price 5un
    Ethnic bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic Bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Ethnic bracelet - Price Set 5un.
    Flowers Bone Bracellet. Price 5un
    Light Brown Leather Magnetic Bracellet . Prix Set 5un
    Light Brown Leather Magnetic Bracellet. Prix set 5un
    Light Wood Bracellet. Set 3 uni.
    Masculine Fertility Ethnic Bracellet
    Oval Bone Bracellet. Price set 5un
    Resine Bracellet
    Tibetan Mala Bracellet. Set 3 uni.
    Wood Bracellet (pack 10 pcs)
    Wood Bracellet Pack 5 un
    Ying Yang Bracellet
    Ying Yang Bracellet
     JEWELLERY -  Bracelets -  Chip Bracelet -
    Amber Bracelet. Set 3 un.
    Amethyst Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Amethyst Chip Bracellet
    Ametrine Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Apatite Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Arizona Turquoise Chip Bracelet
    Aventurine Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Blue Howlite Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Carnelian Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Chakra Colours Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Citrine Chip Bracellet. Pack 6un
    Dalmatian Jasper Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Diopside Chip Bracellet
    Fluorita Chip Bracelet "A". Set 6 Un.
    Garnet Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Gold Aventurine Chip Bracellet
    Hematite Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Labradorite Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Larimar Chip Bracelet. Extra Quality
    Malachite Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Moon Stone Chip Bracelet. Set 3 Un.
    Obsidian Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Peridot Chip Bracellet. Set 3 Un.
    Quartz and Tourmaline Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Red Jasper Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Rhodochrosite Chip Bracelet
    Rose Quartz Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Rubellite Chip Bracellet
    Rutilated Quartz Chip Bracelet
    Seven Colours Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Shungite Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Sodalite Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Sunstone Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Tiger's Eye Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Tourmaline Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Triple Coral Bracellet
    Unakite Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Watermelon Tourmaline Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Zoisite-Ruby Chip Bracellet. Set 3 Un.
     JEWELLERY -  Key Chains - Ámber keychain (set 5un.)
    Aries Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Aventurine Oval Keyrring
    Blue Howlite Tumbled Keyrring
    Cancer Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Cancer/Aventurine Keyring (Set 3 uni.)
    Capricorn Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Carnelian Oval Keyrring
    Carnelian Stress-free Keyring
    Carnelian Tumbled Keyring
    Chinese sign Keyring. Pack 12 pcs.
    Cross Ethnic Keyring
    Eye Ethnic Keyring
    Female Fertility Ethnic Keyring
    Flower of Life Keyring Améthyste Crystal. Set 3un
    Gemini Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Green Quartz Stress-free Keyring Oval
    Hematite Stress-free Keyring Oval
    Jadeite Life Pumpkin Keyring. Pack 3 pcs.
    Key ring Donut Jaspe Red
    Key ring Donut Quartz Rose
    Key ring Donut Sodalite
    Key ring Donuts Carneola
    keychain donuts Aragonito Metal
    Keychain Donuts Aventurine
    Keyring Donuts Crystal
    Label Ethnic Keyring
    Light Ethnic Keyring
    Masculine Fertility Ethnic Keyring
    Onyx Stress-free Keyring Oval
    Red Jasper Brazilian Stress Free Keyring
    Red Jasper Stress-free Keyring Oval
    Red Jasper Tumbled Keyrring
    Rock Crystal Ball Keyrring (pack 3 pcs)
    Rock Crystal Stress Free Keyring
    Saggitarius Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Scorpio/Breciated Jasper Keyring (Set 3 uni.)
    Serpentine Tumbled Keyring
    Snowflake Obsidian Stress-free Keyring Oval
    Sodalite Oval Keyrring
    Sodalite Tumbled Keyrring
    Star Ethnic Keyring
    Stress-free Keyrings (Set 8 units)
    Taurus Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Turkish Eye Keyring
    Turkish Eye Keyring with Pendant
    Unakite Stress-free Keyring Oval
    Virgo/Green Quartz Keyring (Set 3 uni.)
    Wheel Ethnic Keyring
    White Howlite Oval Keyrring
    White Howlite Tumbled Keyrring
    Yellow Jadeite Stress-free Keyring Oval
     MINERALS -  Rough Minerals - "Citrine" Calcite. Price per Kg
    African Turquoise. Price per Kg
    Agate Geode with metal foot.
    Agate Geodes. Price per Kg
    Agate Slice Pair. 8 pairs.
    Agate Slice Pair. 8 pairs.
    Agate Slice Pair. 8 pairs.
    Agate Slice. Price/Kg
    Amazonite (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Amazonite chip. Price per Kg
    Amber. Price per Kg
    Amethyst Druse (Brazil). Price Kg
    Amethyst Druse (Uruguay). Price Kg
    Amethyst Druse. 12 units box.
    Amethyst Druze Brazil. Quality "A"
    Amethyst Geoda - 1-2 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 2-3 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 3-4 kg
    Amethyst Natural Points (3-6 cm). Price per Kg
    Amethyst Natural Points (Zambia). Price per Kg
    Ametrine (Bolivia). Box 4kg
    Ametrine. Price per Kg
    Andalusite. Price per Kg
    Angelite Rough. Price per Kg
    Anhydrite (Madrid, Spain). Price/kg.
    Anthracite. Price per Kg
    Apatite (Brazil). Box 4kg
    Apatite - crystal in urn (Mexico)
    Apatite Rough (8-12cm). Price per Kg
    Aragonite (Brazil). Price per Kg
    Aragonite Cuenca. Price per Kg
    Arsenopyrite (Girona, Spain). Price per Kg
    Azurite-Malachite Morocco. Price per Kg
    Baryte (Morocco). Price per Kg
    Baryte (Spain). Price per Kg
    Biterminated Quartz with Kaolin (6-8cm). Price/unit
    Bituminous-Coal. Price per Kg
    Black Obsidian (Mexico). Box 4kg
    Black Obsidian (Mexico). Price/unit
    Black Obsidian. Price per Kg
    Black Onyx (Brazil). Price per Kg
    Black Tourmaline (Brazil). Box 4kg
    Black Tourmaline (unit)
    Blue Calcite Madagascar. Price per Kg
    Blue Calcite. Mexico. Price per Kg
    Blue Corundum. Price per unit.
    Blue Gold Aventurine (Blue Sun Stone). Price 1Kg
    Blue Gold Aventurine (India). Box 4kg
    Blue Quartz Rough Stone. Price per Kg
    Blue Sapphire. Price per Kg
    Bronzite. Price per Kg
    Brown Aragonite. Price per Kg
    Brown Moonstone. Price per Kg
    Calcite Chip. Price per Kg
    Carnelian Nodules (India). Box 4kg
    Carnelian nodules. Price per Kg
    Celestine Druse Madagascar (+5kg). Price Kg
    Celestine Druse Madagascar. (pièces de -5kg). Price Kg
    Celestine. Price per unit.
    Cerussite (Morocco). Price/unit
    Chalcedony (New Mexico). Price per unit.
    Chalcedony (Nuevo México). Price per Kg
    Chalcedony Blue Rough. Price per Kg
    Chalcedony Flower. Price per Kg
    Chalcopyrite Iridescent Rough. Price per Kg
    Chip Amazonite. Price per Kg
    Chrysocolla (Mexico). Price per Kg.
    Chrysocolla (Peru). Box 4kg
    Chrysocolla (Peru). Box 8kg
    Chrysocolla (Peru). Price per Kg
    Chrysocolla Chip. Price per Kg
    Chrysotile. Price per Kg
    Cinnabar. Price per Kg
    Citrine (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Citrine Druse. Price per Kg
    Citrine Natural Points (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Cobaltoan Calcite (Congo). Box 5,6kg
    Cobaltoan Calcite. Price per Kg
    Colection Wood Box Fulgurite
    Cordierite. Price per Kg
    Corundum (Mozambique). Price per kg
    Corundum Madagascar. Price per Kg
    Corundum. Price per unit.
    Cristal Quartz natural points (Madagascar) Price/kg
    Crystal Quartz Chip (3-5cm). Price per Kg
    Crystal Quartz Chip. Price bag 5Kg
    Crystal Quartz Druses (Peru). Price per Kg
    Crystal Quartz Geode (Price per Unit)
    Crystallized Galena. Price per Kg
    Cubic Pyrite (Navajún, Spain). Set 400-500gr
    Cubic Pyrite 3cm (Unit Price)
    Cubic Pyrite 4-5cm (Unit Price)
    Cubic Pyrite. Price kg
    Cut Rhodonite (Peru). Price per Kg
    Desert Rose from Algeria. Price/kg
    Desert Rose from Tunisia. Price kg
    Desert Rose. Price per Kg
    Diopside. Price per Kg
    Dioptase with quartz (South Africa). Price/kg.
    Dravite (India). Price/kg.
    Emerald (Brazil). Box 4kg
    Emerald. Price per Kg
    Epidote Mineral. Price Kg
    Falcon's Eye (Namibia). Box 4kg
    Falcon's Eye. Price per Kg
    Fibrous Gypsum. Price per Kg.
    Fluorite (China) Price/kg
    Fluorite (China). Price per kg
    Fluorite (Mexico). Box 4kg
    Fluorite. Small. Price per Kg
    Fossil Wood. Price per Kg
    Fuchsite-Mica. Chip. Price per Kg
    Fuchsite. Price per Kg
    Galena (Bulgaria). Price per Kg
    Garnet (India). Price per Kg
    Garnet (Mexico). Price per unit
    Garnierite. Price per Kg
    Geode (EXTRA). Price per Kg
    Goethite. Price per Kg
    Goldstone (India). Box 4kg
    Goldstone. Price per Kg
    Gray Aragonite. Price per Kg
    Green Aventurine chip. Price per Kg
    Green Calcite (Mexico). Box 4kg
    Green Calcite. Price per Kg
    Green Jade. Price per Kg
    Green Jadeite (China). Box 8kg
    Green Quartz (Brazil). Box 4kg
    Green Quartz. Price per Kg
    Green Tourmaline (4-6cm). Price per Kg
    Gypsum (Teruel, Spain). Price per Kg
    Halite (Pakistan). Box 4kg
    Hematite (Brazil). Box 4kg
    Hematite. Price per Kg
    Hemimorphite. Price per Kg
    Herkimer Quartz (USA)
    Honey Calcite (Mexico). Price per Kg
    Iceland Spar. Price per Kg
    Iolite (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Iridescent Calcopyrite (Mexico). Price per Kg
    Iridescent Chalcopyrite Chip. Price per Kg
    Jasper from Barcelona. Price per Kg
    Jasper Landscape. Price per Kg
    Kambaba Jasper (Madagascar). Box 4kg
    Kambaba Jasper (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Kaolinite. Price per Kg
    Kunzite (Massive Mineral). Price per Kg
    Kunzite (Tanzania). Box 5kg
    Kyanite (Brazil). Price per Kg
    Labradorite (Madagascar). Box 4kg
    Labradorite (Madagascar). PRICE/UNIT
    Labradorite (one side polished) light blue. Price per Kg
    Labradorite (one side polished). Price per Kg
    Landscape Jasper (Paesina). Box 4kg
    Lapis Lazuli "A" Chip. Price per Kg
    Lapis Lazuli Rough. Price per Kg
    Lapis Lazuli. Box 4kg
    Lavender Amethyst. Price per Kg
    Leopard Skin Jasper. Price per Kg
    Lepidolite. Price per Kg
    Limestone (Huesca, Spain). Price/kg.
    Limonite. Price per Kg
    Magnetite Octahedrons. Price per unit.
    Magnetite. Price per Kg
    Magnetite. Price per kg
    Mahogany Obsidian. Price per Kg
    Malaquite Rough Stone. Price per Kg
    Manganoan Calcite (Bulgaria). Box 8kg
    Manganoan Calcite (Bulgaria). Price per Kg
    Manganoan Calcite. Price per Kg
    Matrix Pyrite. Price Kg
    Microcline (Madagascar) Price/kg
    Microcline (Madagascar). Box 4kg
    Mini-geode Chalcedony (Pune, India). Price/un.
    Mini-geode Natrolite (Pune, India). Price/un.
    Mookaite. Price per Kg
    Moon stone (Tanzania). Price per Kg
    Moonstone (India). Price per Kg
    Morganite (4-8cm). Price per Kg
    Morganite (Nigeria). Box 5kg
    Morganite (Nigeria). Price/kg.
    Moss Agate (Bag 100 units)
    Muscovite. Price per Kg
    Natural Copper. Price per Kg.
    Natural Turquoise. Price per 100g
    Octahedral Pyrite (Peru). Price per kg.
    Olivine (Peridote). Price per Kg
    Olivine (USA). Box 6kg
    Opal-Hyalite (Mexico) 10cm. Price/un.
    Opal-Hyalite (Mexico) 6-7cm. Price/un.
    Peridot (India). Micro Crystals. Bag 250g
    Pink Amethyst 4-5cm (Argentina). Price per Unit.
    Pink Amethyst 6-8cm (Argentina). Price per Unit.
    Pinolite (Austria). Box 4kg
    Pinolite (Tauern, Austria). Price/Kg.
    Polished Angelite. Price per Kg
    Polished Botryoidal Malachite. Price Kg
    Polished Copper. Price per Kg
    Polished Lapis Lazuli. Price Kg
    Prehnite. Price per Kg
    Pseudomorphic Nodules of Hematite and Pyrite (Egypt)
    Purpurite (Portugal). Box 4kg
    Purpurite (Portugal). PRICE/KG
    Pyrite Matrix 10cm (Unit Price)
    Pyrite Matrix 3-4cm (Unit Price)
    Pyrite Matrix 4-5cm (Unit Price)
    Pyrite Matrix 5-6cm (Unit Price)
    Pyrite Matrix 7-8cm (Unit Price)
    Pyroluxite (Morocco). Price/kg.
    Pyrrhotite. Price per Kg
    Quartz Geode (1-2kg) (price/unit)
    Quartz Geode (700g-1kg) (price/unit)
    Quartz Geodes. Price per kg.
    Rainbow Fluorite. Price per Kg
    Realgar. Price per Kg
    Red Jasper. Price per Kg
    Rhodochrosite (Argentina) "A". Price per Kg
    Rhodochrosite (Mexico). Price per Kg
    Rhodonite (Brasil). Price per Kg
    Rhodonite (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Rock Crystal Points (Brazil). Price per Kg
    Rose Opal. Extra Quality. Price per Kg
    Rose Quartz Chip. Price per Kg
    Rose Rough Quartz. Price kg
    Rose Tourmaline + Feldspar "B". Price per Kg
    Rough Apatite (4-5cm). Price per Kg
    Rough Aquamarine. Price per Kg
    Rough Diamond.
    Rough Malachite. Price per kg
    Rough Seraphinite. Price per Kg
    Rubelite. Price per Kg
    Ruby. Massage tip (Set 6u.)
    Salt Gem (Himalaya). Price Kg
    Scapolite (Mozambique).
    Selenite Rose. Price per Kg
    Semi-polished Agate. Price per Kg
    Semi-Polished Rhodochrosite. Price per Kg
    Septaria (Madagascar). Box 4kg
    Septaria. Prix per kg.
    Serpentine. Price per Kg
    Shattuckite (Congo). Price/Kg.
    Silex. Price per Kg
    Silicon (12-30cm). Price per Kg
    Silicon (5-10cm). Price per Kg
    Small Onyx Zebra. Price per Kg
    Smithsonite (China). Price/kg.
    Smoky Quartz (Madagascar). Box 4kg
    Smoky Quartz chip. Price per Kg
    Smoky Quartz. Price per Kg
    Snowflake Obsidian (USA). Box 8kg
    Snowflake Obsidian. Price per Kg
    Sodalite (Brazil). Box 8kg
    Sodalite (South Africa). Price per Kg
    Sodalite Chip. Bag 1kg
    Sodalite. Price per Kg
    Spark Pirite. Quality "A". Per Kg.
    Spark Pirite. Quality "Extra". Price Kg.
    Sphalerite. Price per Kg
    Spodumene. Price per 100g
    Staurolite (Russia). Price per unit.
    Stibnite (Antimonite). Price per Kg
    Stibnite (Romania). Price per Kg
    Stilbite. Price per Kg
    Sylvite (Himalaya). Price/kg.
    Synthetic Phosphorescent Quartz canister. Price unit
    Synthetic Phosphorescent Quartz. Price per Kg
    Talc. Price per Kg
    Taramite (Brazil). Price per Kg
    Tectite. Price per unit
    Thomsonite (India). Price per unit.
    Thulite (Norway). Box 8kg
    Thulite. Price per Kg
    Tiger Eye. Price per Kg
    Tiger's Eye (Brazil). Box 4kg
    Tourmaline (Brazil). Price per Kg
    Tourmaline Black (kg)
    Tourmaline Black one side polished (Price per Kg)
    Tourmaline Chip. Price per Kg
    Tourmaline Mica. Price per Kg
    Tourmaline with Mica. Price per Kg
    Tourmaline with Quartz. Price per Kg
    Vanadinite (Mibladen, Morocco)
    Vanadinite. Price per Unit
    Vesuvianite. Price per Kg
    White Howlite. Price Kg
    White Howlite. Price Kg
    White Opal (Madagascar). Price per Kg
    Wollastonite. Price per Kg
    Yellow Calcite. Price per Kg
    Zebra Onyx (Mexico). Box 4kg
    Zoisite (India). Box 8kg
    Zoisite - Ruby. Price per Kg
    Zoisite. Price per Kg
    Turquoise imitation Bracellet
    Charoite Pendant
    Seventh Chakra with Stone Pendant
    Sexual Chakra Pendant with Aventurine Doughnut
    Nag Champa Incense
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Chakras pendants - 1st Chakra Pendant with stone
    2nd Chakra Pendant with stone
    4th Chakra with stone Pendant
    7 Chakras pendant set with cage
    7 Doughnuts with Spiral Pendant
    Buddha Chakras Pendant
    Chakras 6mm beads pendant. Silver
    Chakras and Crystal Quartz pendant
    Chakras and Rose Quartz pendant
    Chakras Budha Pendant
    Chakras Dreamcatcher pendant
    Chakras Goddess Symbol Pendant
    Chakras OM Pendant
    Multicolor Chakra Flower Pendant. Set 3un
    Multicolor Om Pendant. Set 3un
    Necklace/ Hanging faceted Chakra
    Non Silver Crown Chakra Pendant (7th)
    Non Silver Crown Chakra Pendant (7th)
    Non Silver Crown Chakra with Stone Pendant (7th)
    Non Silver Heart Chakra Pendant (4th)
    Non Silver Root Chakra Pendant (1st)
    Non Silver Root Chakra Pendant (1st)
    Non Silver Root Chakra with Stone Pendant (1st)
    Non Silver Sexual Chakra Pendant (2nd)
    Non Silver Sexual Chakra Pendant (2nd)
    Non Silver Sexual Chakra with Stone Pendant (2nd)
    Non Silver Solar Plexus Chakra Pendant (3rd)
    Non Silver Solar Plexus Chakra Pendant (3rd)
    Non Silver Solar Plexus Chakra with Stone Pendant (3rd)
    Non Silver Third Eye Chakra Pendant (6th)
    Non Silver Third Eye Chakra Pendant (6th)
    Non Silver Third Eye Chakra with Stone Pendant (6th)
    Non Silver Throat Chakra Pendant (5th)
    Non Silver Throat Chakra Pendant (5th)
    Non Silver Throat Chakra with Stone Pendant (5th)
    Pentagram Pendulum and chakras
    Root Chakra Pendant (1st)
    Silver Crown Chakra Pendant (7th)
    Silver Heart Chakra Pendant (4th)
    Silver Sexual Chakra Pendant (2nd)
    Silver Solar Plexus Chakra Pendant (3rd)
    Silver Third Eye Chakra Pendant (6th)
    Sixth Chakra with Stone Pendant
    Third Chakra with Stone Pendant
     FOSSILS -  Display case - Ammonites Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Bivalves Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Coprolithes Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Fossil Coral Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Fossil Sea Urchin. Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Fossil Wood Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Fossils of the World
    Fossils of the World
    Gonniatites Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Orthocera Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Perisphinctes Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Raw Orthocera Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Shark Tooth Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Shark Tooth Display 4x4
    Spinosaurus Boxes (Set 3un.)
    Trilobite Boxes (Set 3un.)
     WELLNESS -  Massage -
    Amethyst Massager Point 70mm
    Angelite Oval Massager 5,5x3,5x1cm.
    Aventurine Gua Sha
    Aventurine Massage Point 60mm
    Aventurine Massage Point 70mm
    Ball Heater Massager 30x15cm
    Basalt Massage Point 60mm
    Big Lingam
    Breciated Jasper Massage Point 70mm
    Breciated Stick Jasper Massager
    Calcite Massage Point 70mm
    Calcite Massage Point 60mm
    Calcite Stick Massager
    Calcite Stress-free Stone 60x40mm
    Carnelian Stress-free Stone 60x40mm
    Chakra in Stone
    Cyanite Stick Massager (2x1cm)
    Feldspar Round Massager Ø55x30mm
    Green Aventurine Gua Sha
    Green Quartz Massage Point 70mm
    Head Massager. Set 10 Un.
    Hematite Massager
    Hematoid Quartz Oval Massager 8x6cm
    Hematoid Quartz Round Massager Ø55x30mm
    Hot Stones Display 20 stones
    Iolite Oval Massager 6x5x3cm.
    Jade Massage Point 60mm
    Jade Massage Point 70mm
    Labradorite Massage Point 70mm
    Labradorite Massager
    Life Flower in Stone
    Long Cianite Massager (6x1cm)
    Massage Points (Set 8 units)
    Massager Essence + Set 7 Stone
    Massager Jewelry Walnut
    Massager Joya
    Medium Shiva Lingam
    Moon Stone Big Oval Massager
    Obsidian 100 mm
    Obsidian 12x85mm
    Obsidian Gua Sha
    Obsidian Stress-free Stone 60x40mm
    Obsidian Thermotherapy Stone 12x55mm
    Onyx Massage Point 50mm
    Quartz Roller Massage Rose
    Quiastolite Massager
    Red Aventurine Gua Sha
    Red Aventurine Massage Point 70mm
    Red Jasper Massage Point 60mm
    Red Jasper Massage Point 70mm
    Red Jasper Massager
    Red Jasper Oval Massager 7x5x1,5mm
    Red Jasper Stress-free Stone 60x40mm
    Rhodonite Gua Sha
    Rhodonite Massage Point 60mm
    Rhodonite Massage Point 70mm
    Rhodonite Stick Massager
    Rock Crystal Massage Point 4/5cm
    Rock Crystal Massage Point 6/7CM
    Roll-on with Amethyst. Set 5un.
    Roll-on with Aventurine. Set 5un.
    Roll-on with Carnelian. Set 5un.
    Roll-on with Fluorite. Set 5un.
    Roll-on with Lapis Lazuli. Set 5un.
    Roll-on with Red Jasper. Set 5un.
    Roll-on with Tiger Eye. Set 5un.
    Roller Massage Aventurine
    Roller Massage Green Jade
    Roller Massage Opaline
    Roller Massage Tourmaline
    Rose Quartz Gua Sha
    Rose Quartz Massage Point 15 x 70 mm
    Rose Quartz Massage Point 50-75gr
    Rose Quartz Oval Massager 8x6cm
    Rose Quartz Stick Massager
    Ruby Zoisite Oval Massager 7x4,5x2,5cm.
    Selenite Massage Point 19cm
    Selenite Oval Massager 7cm
    Selenite Oval Massager OM symbol
    Septaria Oval Massager 7x5x2,5mm.
    Set 6 Assorted Mineral Oval Massagers
    Shungite Massager Point
    Shungite Oval Massager 5x3cm
    Shungite Stick Massager
    Smoky Quartz Massage Point
    Sodalite Gua Sha
    Sodalite Massage Point 60mm
    Sodalite Massage Point 70mm
    Sodalite Stick Massager
    Stress-free Stones (Set 8 units)
    Sunstone Oval Massager 6x4x2,5cm.
    Thermotherapy Agate big
    Thermotherapy Basalt 15x78x90 mm
    Thermotherapy Basalte 15x75x85mm
    Thermotherapy Basalte Disque .Set 2un
    Thermotherapy Black Agate small
    Thermotherapy Obsidian Set
    Tiger's Eye Massage Point 70mm
    Tiger's Eye Oval Massager 7x5x1,5mm.
    Tourmaline Oval Massager 6x4,5x2,5cm.
    Travel Jewel Beads Stone Massage
    Unakita Stress-free Stone 60x40mm
    Unakite Massage Point 60mm
    Volcanic stone 50mm
     ACCESORIES -  Cardboard Boxes - Black Expanded polystyrene for 4x4 boxes. Pack 1080u.
    Black Expanded polystyrene for 4x4 boxes. Set 54un
    Cardboard Box 12,7x12,7cm (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Box 12,7x12,7cm (Pack 500 uni.)
    Cardboard Box 40,4x26,9x5,7cm.
    Cardboard Box 40x26x3cm.
    Cardboard Box 42x28x9cm
    Cardboard Box 44x30x16cm.
    Cardboard Box 5x5cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Box 5x5x2cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Box 6x6. (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Cage 6x6x2,4cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Cage 6x8x2,2cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Cage 6x8x2cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    Cardboard Cage 8.5x12.5cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    Expanded polystyrene for 4x4 boxes. Pack 1080u.
    Expanded polystyrene for 4x4 boxes. Set 54un
    Foam for 4x4 Boxes. Pack 100u.
    Set 12 glass cover boxes.
    Set 3 cardboard boxes (3 sizes). Black Color
    Set 3 cardboard boxes (3 sizes). Pearl Colour
    Set 6 glass cover boxes.
    White box 8x9cm. (Pack 50 u.)
    White Cardboard Box 4x4. (Pack 50 un.)
     ACCESORIES -  bases - "L" Support 55x70mm. Pack 25un
    "L" Support 59x109mm. Pack 12un
    Circular Pivots Support 105mm. Pack 5un.
    Circular Pivots Support 50mm. Pack 10un
    Circular Pivots Support 72mm. Pack 5un.
    Crystal Ball Support 23x23x15mm (set 10u.)
    Crystal Ball Support 30x30x15mm. Set 10 un.
    Crystal Ball support 37x37x37mm
    Floating Frame Display 10x10x3cm
    Floating Frame Display 15x15x3cm
    Floating Frame Display 8x8x3cm
    Flower Support. Set 5uni
    Glass flask 25x35mm (Set 54u.)
    Magic frame - big 138x138 (Set 5u.)
    Magic frame - Big 138x138X20 (Set 5u.)
    Magic frame - elongate 230x90 (Set 5u.)
    Magic frame - Elongate 230x90X20 (Set 5u.)
    Metal Bracket 14x8 Set 5 uni.
    Methacrylate Base
    Mini Wood Pallet Support. (set 5un)
    Pin Support 5x5. Pack 100un.
    Plain Methacrylate Base 30x30x10mm (Set 6un)
    Plain Methacrylate Base 40x40x10mm (Set 5un)
    Plain Methacrylate Base 40x40x20mm (Set 5un)
    Plain Methacrylate Base 50x50x10mm (Set 5un)
    Plain Methacrylate Base 60x60x10mm (Set 5un)
    Plain Methacrylate Base 60x60x20mm (Set 4un)
    Plain Methacrylate Base 80x50x10mm (Set 10un)
    Plastic Ring Black ø25 mm. Pack 25 un.
    Plastic Ring Black ø31mm. Pack 25 un.
    Plastic Ring White ø25 mm. Pack 25 un.
    Plastic Ring ø25 mm. Pack 25 un.
    Roll-on bottles with mineral ball. Set 5un.
    Tripod shape bracket (Set 25u)
     MINERALS -  Tumbled stones - "B" Big Tumbled Chalcedony . Bag 1kg
    "B" Medium Tumbled Chalcedony. Bag 1kg
    Agathe Botswana Small Tumbled. Bag 250g
    Amazonite Small Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Amazonite Small Tumbled. Bag 250gr
    Amber Onyx (Argentina) 20mm. 100g Bag
    Bag of Assorted Tumbled Stones (5kg)
    Big Boulder Green Quartz. Bag 1 kg
    Big Boulder Rodonite
    Big Semi-polished Botswana Agathe. 1kg bag.
    Big Tumbled Amazonite "A". Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Amethyst (Brazil). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Amethyst (South África). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Amethyst Banded. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Apatite. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Apricot Agathe. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Aquamarine. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Black Onyx. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Black Tourmaline. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Blue Agathe. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Blue Calchedony. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Blue Quartz. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Brecciated Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Brown Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Carnelian. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Chrysotile. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Citrine (Brazil). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Crazy Lace Agate. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Dolomite. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Emerald "A Quality". Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Emerald "B Quality". Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Extra Quality Tourmaline. Bag 250g.
    Big Tumbled Falcon's Eye. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Fossil Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Fossil Wood. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Garnet (Brazil). 1kg bag.
    Big Tumbled Green Agathe. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Green Jadeite. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Grey Botswana Agathe. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Heliotrope. Bag 1Kg
    Big Tumbled Hematite. Bag 1 kg.
    Big Tumbled Howlite. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Iron Tiger Eye (Red). Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Kambaba Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Kiwi Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Labradorite. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Landscape Jasper (Paesina). Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Lapis Lazuli (Extra Quality). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Leopard Jasper. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Lidita Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Mahogany Obsidian. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Malachite (South Africa). Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Moonstone. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Moss Agate (China). Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Moss Agate (South Africa). Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Orange Aventurine. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Orange Calcite (Brazil). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Pink Agate. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Pink Dolomite. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Prasiolite "A". Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Prehnite. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Purple Agathe. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Red Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Rhodochosite. Bag 500g.
    Big Tumbled Rhodonite (irregular sizes). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Rhyolite. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Rock Crystal. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Rose Quartz (Zambia). Bag 100g
    Big Tumbled Rose Quartz. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Serpentine. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Serpentine. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Smoky Quartz. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Snowflake Obsidian. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Sodalite. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Sunstone. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Tiger's Eye. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled Tree Agate (with Dendrites). Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Tree Agate. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Turritella Agate. Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Unakite. 1kg Bag
    Big Tumbled White Dolomite Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Big Tumbled Zebra Jasper. Bag 1kg.
    Black Agate Medium Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Black Agate Medium Tumbled. Bag 500gr
    Black Obsidian Big Boulder. Bag 1kg
    Blue Topaz "A" Quality. Bag 100g
    Blue Topaz "B" Quality. Bag 100g
    Blue Topaz "Silver". Bag 100g
    Burma Jade Small Tumbled (Myanmar). 1kg bag
    Burma Jade Small Tumbled (Myanmar). 250g bag.
    Capillitite (Argentina) 20mm. 100g Bag
    Chalcedony Mini Tumbled (Namibia). Bag 100g
    Chalcedony Mini Tumbled (Namibia). Bag 1kg
    Chrysocolla Medium Tumbled. Bag 500g
    Chrysoprase Medium Tumbled. 1kg Bag
    Chrysoprase Medium Tumbled. 500g Bag
    Crystal Onyx (Argentina) 20mm. 100g Bag
    Crystal Quartz Medium Tumbled. 500g Bag
    Crystal Quartz Small Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Crystal Quartz Small Tumbled. Bag 250g
    Extra Large Tumbled Amazonite. Bag 1kg
    Extra Large Tumbled Amethyst (Zambia). Bag 1kg
    Extra Large Tumbled Zebra Amethyst (Zambia). Bag 1kg
    Faceted Hexagonal Garnet (1kg)
    Garnet Small Tumbled. Bag 250gr
    Irregular Shapes Labradorite. Bag 1kg
    Jade Chip Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Falcon's Eye. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Apatite. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Apatite. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Black Agate. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Blue Agate. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Blue Chalcedony "B". Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Blue Quartz. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Blue Quartz. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Botswana Agate. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Brecciated Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Breciated Jasper. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Chrysoprase. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Citrine. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Emerald "A Quality". Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Emerald. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Green Quartz. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Hematite. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Hematite. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Labradorite. Bag 1Kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Lepidolite. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Pink Botswana Agate. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Red Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Rhodonite. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Rhodonite. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Snowflake Obsidian. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Sodalite. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Tiger's Eye. Lot 2kg.
    Jumbo Tumbled Tree Agate (with Dendrites). Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Turquenite. Bag 1kg
    Jumbo Tumbled Yellow Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Lapis Lazuli Big Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Lepidolite Big Tumbled stone. Bag 1kg.
    Lot of 64 larimar cabochons.
    Medium Tumbeld Hematite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbeld Hematite. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Amethyst (Brazil). Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Angelite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Apatite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Apatite. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Aquamarine. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Aquamarine. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Aura Quartz. Bag 200g
    Medium Tumbled Black Tourmaline. 1kg Bag
    Medium Tumbled Blue Agate. 1kg Bag.
    Medium Tumbled Blue Agathe. 500g bag.
    Medium Tumbled Blue Golden Aventurine. 1Kg bag.
    Medium Tumbled Blue Golden Aventurine. 500g bag.
    Medium Tumbled Carnelian. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Carnelian. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Citrine "A" Quality. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Citrine "A" Quality. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Citrine. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Citrine. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Emerald "A Quality". Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Emerald "A Quality". Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Fluorite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Fluorite. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Golden Aventurine. 1Kg bag.
    Medium Tumbled Golden Aventurine. 500g bag.
    Medium Tumbled Green Agathe. 1kg Bag
    Medium Tumbled Green Agathe. 500g Bag
    Medium Tumbled Green Jadeite. 500g Bag.
    Medium Tumbled Heliotrope. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Heliotrope. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Iolite. Bag 1Kg
    Medium Tumbled Kambaba Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Lapis Lazuli (Extra Quality). Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Lapis Lazuli (Extra Quality). Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Malachite "B". 500g bag.
    Medium Tumbled Malachite (South Africa). Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Malachite (South Africa). Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Malachite. Bag 500gr
    Medium Tumbled Milky Quartz. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Milky Quartz. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Moonstone (South Africa). 1kg Bag.
    Medium Tumbled Moonstone (South Africa). 500g bag.
    Medium Tumbled Moonstone. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Moonstone. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Orange Calcite Brazil. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Orange Calcite Brazil. Bag 500g.
    Medium Tumbled Pink Agate. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Pink Agate. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Prasiolite. Bag 250g
    Medium Tumbled Rainbow Fluorite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Red Jasper. Bag 500gr
    Medium Tumbled Rhodochosite. Bag 250g.
    Medium Tumbled Rock Crystal. 1kg Bag
    Medium Tumbled Rock Crystal. 500g Bag
    Medium Tumbled Rock Crystal. EXTRA Quality. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Rock Crystal. EXTRA Quality. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Rodonite. Bag 100g
    Medium Tumbled Rose Quartz (Brazil). Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Rose Quartz (Brazil). Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Rose Quartz (Zambia). Bag 100g
    Medium Tumbled Rutilated Quartz. Bag 1kg.
    Medium Tumbled Rutilated Quartz. Bag 500g.
    Medium Tumbled Serpentine. Bag 1kg.
    Medium Tumbled Serpentine. Bag 500g
    Medium Tumbled Shattuckite (Quantum Quattro). 1kg bag.
    Medium Tumbled Smoky Quartz "B Quality". Bag 1kg.
    Medium Tumbled Smoky Quartz "B Quality". Bag 500g.
    Medium Tumbled Smoky Quartz. 1kg Bag
    Medium Tumbled Smoky Quartz. 500g Bag
    Medium Tumbled Tiger's Eye. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Tiger's Eye. Bag 500gr
    Medium Tumbled Unakite. 500gr Bag
    Medium Tumbled Violet Agathe. 500g bag
    Medium Tumbled Violet Agathe. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled White Onyx. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Zoisite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Zoisite. Bag 500g
    Milky Quartz Small Tumbled. 1kg bag.
    Milky Quartz Small Tumbled. 250g bag.
    Mini Tumbled Amethyst. Bag 1kg.
    Mini Tumbled Amethyst. Bag 250g.
    Mini Tumbled Green Quartz (Brazil). Bag 1Kg
    Mini Tumbled Green Quartz (Brazil). Bag 250g
    Mini Tumbled Green Quartz (South Africa). Bag 1Kg
    Mini Tumbled Rose Quartz. Bag 1kg.
    Mini Tumbled Rose Quartz. Bag 250g.
    Natural Agate Big Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Polished Crystal Quartz (set 10un)
    Polished Orange Calcite. Price per Unit.
    Polished Rose Quartz (set 10un)
    Prehnite (Mali) Medium Tumbled. Bag 500g
    Rutile Quartz Big Tumbled. Bag 1kg.
    Shattuckite (Quantum) Big Tumbled. 1kg Bag.
    Shattuckite (Quantum) Medium Tumbled. 500gr Bag
    Small Tumbled Amethyst. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Aquamarine. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Banded Amethyst. Bag 1kg.
    Small Tumbled Banded Amethyst. Bag 250grs.
    Small Tumbled Black Obsidian. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Black Obsidian. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Black Onyx. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Black Onyx. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Blue Agate. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Blue Agathe. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Blue Howlite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Blue Howlite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Blue Quartz. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Blue Quartz. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Botswana Agate. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Breciated Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Breciated Jasper. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Bronzite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Carnelian. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Carnelian. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Dalmatian Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Dalmatian Jasper. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Emerald. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Emerald. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Falcon's Eye. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Falcon's Eye. Bag 250g.
    Small Tumbled Fluorite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Fluorite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Garnet. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Green Agathe. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Green Agathe. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Green Aventurine. 1kg Bag
    Small Tumbled Green Aventurine. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Green Aventurine. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Green Jadeite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Green Jadeite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Green Quartz. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Green Quartz. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Grey Botswana Agate. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Grey Botswana Agate. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Heliotrope. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Heliotrope. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Hematite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Hematite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Labradorite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Labradorite. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Lapis Lazuli (imitation). Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Lemon Quartz. Bag 1kg.
    Small Tumbled Moonstone "B". Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Moonstone "B". Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Moss Agate. Bag 1kg.
    Small Tumbled Moss Agate. Bag 250g.
    Small Tumbled Pink Botswana Agate. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Pink Botswana Agate. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Prasiolite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Prasiolite. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Red Jasper. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Red Jasper. Bag 250grs
    Small Tumbled Rhodochosite "B". Bag 250g.
    Small Tumbled Rhodochosite. Bag 250g.
    Small Tumbled Rhodochrosite "B". Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Rhodonite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Rhodonite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Smoky Quartz. Bag 1kg.
    Small Tumbled Smoky Quartz. Bag 250g
    Small Tumbled Snowflake Obsidian. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Snowflake Obsidian. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Sodalite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Sodalite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Tiger's Eye. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Tiger's Eye. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Tourmaline (Brazil). Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Tourmaline (Brazil). Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled Tourmaline (India). Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Turquenite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Unakite. Bag 1kg
    Small Tumbled Unakite. Bag 250gr
    Small Tumbled White Howlite. Bag 1kg
    Topaz "Silver" Tumbled. Bag 100g
    Topaz "Silver" Tumbled. Bag 500g
    Tourmaline Mini Tumbled. Bag 250gr
    Tumbled Chip Cinnabar (0,5 - 1,5cm). Bag 250g
    Tumbled Cinnabar (1,5 - 2cm). Bag 400-450grs
    Tumbled Cinnabar (2,5 - 3cm). Bag 400-450grs
    Tumbled Cinnabar (2- 2,5cm). Bag 400-450grs
    Tumbled Cinnabar (3-4cm). Bag 400-450grs
    Tumbled Pink Opale. Bag 1kg
    Turitela Agate Small Tumbled. Bag 250gr
    Turquenite Mini Tumbled. Bag 1kg
    Turquenite Mini Tumbled. Bag 250gr
    Turquenite Small Tumbled. Bag 250gr
    Turquenite Tumbled Big. 1kg bag.
    White Howlite Small Tumbled. Bag 250g
     JEWELLERY -  Malas / Bracelets - Coconut Mala
    Fluorite Mala
    Garnet Mala ø8mm
    Mala White Quartz ø6mm
    Mala Wood Dorje Beads Ø 8mm
    Palo Santo Bracelet 6mmØ
    Palo Santo Bracelet 8mmØ
    Rosewood Mala
    Seed Mala
    Tulsi seeds Mala
     WELLNESS -  Feng-Shui -  Prisms - 20mm Crystal Feng Shui Ball. Set 5un.
    20mm Orange Feng Shui Ball
    20mm Pink Feng Shui Ball
    20mm Purple Feng Shui Ball
    30mm Amber Feng Shui Ball. Set 2u.
    30mm Blue Star. Set 5un
    30mm Crystal Feng Shui Ball. Set 2un.
    30mm Crystal Heart
    30mm Crystal Star. Set 5un
    30mm Green Feng Shui Ball
    30mm Light Blue Feng Shui Ball
    30mm Pink Star. Set 5un
    30mm Purple Feng Shui Ball. Set 2u.
    30mm Purple Star. Set 5un
    30mm Red Feng Shui Ball
    40mm Amber Feng Shui Ball
    40mm Blue Feng Shui Ball
    40mm Crystal Heart
    40mm Pink Feng Shui Ball
    40mm Pink Star Feng Shui. Set 5un
    40mm Purple Star Feng Shui. Set 5un
    50 mm Blue Feng Shui Ball
    50mm Orange Feng Shui Ball
    50mm Pink Feng Shui Ball
    50mm Purple Feng Shui Ball
    80mm Feng Shui Crystal Ball
    Angel Wings and Feng Shui Ball
    Big Iridescent Loto's Flower (Ø70mm)
    Blue Feng Shui Ball Strip
    Blue Feng Shui Flower
    Blue Loto's Flower
    Brown Feng Shui Flower
    Crystal Feng Shui Prism
    Crystal Feng Shui Prism
    Dreamcatcher and Feng Shui Ball
    Flower of Life and Feng Shui Ball
    Green Heart 40mm
    Lotus Flower and Feng Shui Ball
    Merkaba Star (15 cm)
    Owl and Feng Shui Ball
    Pink Feng Shui Flower
    Pink Feng Shui Prism
    Pink Heart 40mm
    Purple Feng Shui Prism
    Purple Heart. 40mm
    Purple Loto's Flower Small
    Red Feng Shui Ball Strip
    Red Loto's Flower
    Small Iridescent Loto's Flower (Ø20mm)
    Small Yellow Loto's Flower
    Spiral Feng Shui Pendant
    White Feng Shui Flower
    Yellow Feng Shui Flower
     MINERALS -  Figures / Handicrafts -  Hearts - Amazonite Heart (30mm approx.) Set 3un.
    Apatite Heart (30mm approx.) Set 3un.
    Blue Howlite Heart 40x40x5mm
    Blue Onyx Heart 4cm
    Calcite Heart 10x12cm
    Calcite Heart 4cm
    Crystal Quartz Heart Box.
    Dalmatian Jasper Heart 4cm
    Dalmatian Jasper Heart Box.
    Display of Rose Quartz Hearts (18 un) SV
    Gabbro Heart 3,5cm
    Howlite Heart Box.
    Labradorite Heart (35mm approx.)
    Obsidian Heart 4.5x4.5cm
    Orbicular Jasper Heart (30mm approx.) Set 3un.
    Red Jasper Heart 40x40x5mm
    Red Jasper Heart 4cm
    Red Jasper Heart Box.
    Rhodochrosite Heart "B" (4cm approx.)
    Rhodochrosite Heart.
    Rhodochrosite Heart.
    Rhodochrosite Heart.
    Rhodochrosite Heart.
    Rhodochrosite Heart.
    Rhodochrosite Heart.
    Rhodonite Heart Box.
    Rock Crystal Heart 4 cm
    Rodhonite Heart 4cm
    Rose Quartz Heart 4x1cm
    Rose Quartz Heart 4x2cm
    Rose Quartz Heart Box (Valentine's Day).
    Rose Quartz Heart Box.
    Sodalite Heart 4cm
    Sodalite Heart 8cm
    Sodalite Heart Box.
    Tiger's Eye Heart 4cm
    White Howlite Heart 4cm
     DECOR -  Bronze figures -
    Bronze Buddha
    Bronze Buddha (30 cm).
    Bronze Buddha Figure (20 cm).
    Bronze Lakshmi (17 cm).
    Bronze lying Buddha (36 cm).
    Bronze Meditation Buddha 10x6cm
    Bronze Small Buddha. Set 4 uni.
    Bronze Tingsha
    Bronze Tree of Life (20 cm).
    Bronze Tree of Life (31 cm).
    Bronze Tree of Life (46 cm).
    Buddha Figure Bronze. 90mm
    Buddha's Head 25cm
    Freehand Buddha 11x7cm
    Hanuman in bronze. (5 cm).
    Lakshmi in bronze. (5 cm).
    Monterrey Bronze. Set 2 uni.
    Shiva in bronze. (5 cm).
     INCENSES -  Incenses - Aloe Vera Incense 6x20
    Anti Tobacco 6x20
    Charcoal tablets (box 10 packs of 10 pills)
    Cinnamon incense 6x20
    Damar Incense
    Enlighttenment Incense
    Florida Water Spray 200ml (Set 11 Un. + 1 FREE)
    Frankincense and Myrrh Incense Nature
    Frankincense Incense
    Goloka Gabriel Incense Cones (Set 12u)
    Goloka Gabriel Incense Sticks (Set 12u)
    Goloka Incense Cones Assortment (Set 24u)
    Goloka Metatron Incense Cones (Set 12u)
    Goloka Metatron Incense Sticks (Set 12u)
    Goloka Michael Incense Cones (Set 12u)
    Goloka Michael Incense Sticks (Set 12u)
    Goloka Raphael Incense Cones (Set 12u)
    Goloka Raphael Incense Sticks (Set 12u)
    Incens Palo Santo 6x20
    Incense Amber 6x20
    Incense Arruda 6x20
    Incense Citronella 6x20
    Incense Love 6x20
    Incense Money Magnet 6x20
    Incense Myrrh 6x20
    Incense Nag Champa Agarbathi 12x20
    Incense Purify the House 6x20
    Incense Ruda Sandalo 6X20
    Incense Sandalo (6x20)
    Insens Super Hit Nag Champa 12x12
    Nag Champa Golden Incense (12 units)
    Nag Champa Incense 12 units
    Nag Champa Palo Santo Copal Incense (12 units)
    Nag Champa Palo Santo Incense (12 units)
    Nag Champa Spiritual Healing Incense (12 units)
    Nag Champa White Sage Incense (12 units)
    Natural Palo Santo Incense (7 incense sticks)
    Pacholi Water 221ml (24u. box)
    Palo Santo Bracelet 6mmØ
    Patchouly Incense
    Prosperity Incense 6x20
    Purification Incense
    Road Opener Water Spray 200ml (Set 11 Un. + 1 FREE)
    Rose Water 221ml (24u. box)
    Sandalwood Cologne 221ml (24u. box)
     WELLNESS -  Feng-Shui -  Wind chimes - Coconut Shell 18"" Windbell
    Crystal Triangle Windbell
    Crystal Triangle Windbell
    Crystal Triangle Windbell
    Crystal Windbell
    Crystal Windbell
    Crystal Windbell
    Crystal Windbell
    Farm Animals Windbell
    Feather and wood Windbell
    Flower of Life Wooden Movile
    Green Moon and Stars Windbell. Green
    Mobile Wood Various Patterns
    Natural Moon and Stars Windbell. Black
    Natural Moon and Stars Windbell. Red
    OM Symbol Wooden Movile
    Reed Windbell
    Resine and Wood Moon Windbell
    Wind Chime 115cm
    Wind Chime 150cm
    Wind Chime 45cm
    Wind Chime with Pentacle Symbol and Black Tourmaline
    Wind chime.
    Wood Wind Chime
    Wood Wind Chime
    Wood Wind Chime
    Wood Wind Chime
     WELLNESS -  Pendulum - Agate Conical Pendulum
    Amethyst Ball Pendulum and Flower of Life
    Amethyst Conical Pendulum
    Amethyst Egiptian Pendulum
    Amethyst Oval Pendulum (3,5cm)
    Amethyst Pendulum
    Amethyst Pendulum
    Aura Quartz Pendulum (4cm)
    Blue Calchedony bullet form Pendulum
    Blue Howlite Conical Pendulum
    Box (Empty) for Pendulum
    Bronzite Pendulum
    Carnelian Ball Pendulum
    Citrine Cone Pendulum with OM Symbol
    Copper Chakras Pendulum
    Copper Chakras Pendulum
    Copper Chakras Pendulum
    Copper Chakras Pendulum
    Copper Chakras Pendulum
    Crystal Quartz Egiptian Pendulum
    Emerald Pendulum
    Falcon's Eye Pendulum
    Golden Bullet Metal Pendulum
    Golden Long Bullet Metal Pendulum
    Golden Long Metal Pendulum
    Golden Metal Pendulum
    Golden Pendulum with witness (10cm)
    Golden Pendulum with witness (4,5cm)
    Golden Pendulum with witness 16 batteries (10cm)
    Golden Pendulum with witness and Flower of Life (5cm)
    Golden Spinning Top Pendulum
    Golden Spiral Metal Pendulum
    Green Jadeite Conical Pendulum
    Green Quartz Egiptian Pendulum
    Hematite Conical Pendulum
    Hematite Egiptian Pendulum
    Hematite Pendulum
    Howlite Ball Pendulum
    Lapis Lazuli Ball Pendulum
    Lapis Lazuli Conical Pendulum
    Obsidian Egiptian Pendulum
    Opaline Egiptian Pendulum
    Pyramid Red Jasper Pendulum
    Pyramid Rose Quartz Pendulum
    Red Jasper Ball Pendulum
    Red Jasper Conical Pendulum
    Red Jasper Egiptian Pendulum
    Rock Crystal Ball Pendulum
    Rock Crystal Oval Pendulum (4,5cm)
    Rock Crystal Pendulum
    Rock Crystal Pendulum
    Rock Crystal Pyramid Pendulum
    Rose Quartz Ball Pendulum
    Rose Quartz Conical Pendulum
    Rose Quartz Egiptian Pendulum
    Rose Quartz Oval Pendulum (3,5cm)
    Rose Quartz Pendulum
    Rose Quartz Pendulum
    Rose Quartz Rock Pendulum
    Rose Quartz with Opale Chip Pendulum
    Rose Quartz with Rodhocrosite Chip Pendulum
    Silvery Conical Metal Pendulum
    Silvery Sfera Metal Pendulum
    Silvery Spinning Top Pendulum
    Silvery Spiral Metal Pendulum
    Small Golden Sfera Metal Pendulum
    Smoky Quartz Egiptian Pendulum
    Snowflake bullet form Pendulum
    Snowflake Obsidian Ball Pendulum
    Sodalite Ball Pendulum
    Sodalite Egiptian Pendulum
    Sodalite Pendulum
    Sun Stone bullet form Pendulum
    Tiger's Eye Ball Pendulum
    Tiger's Eye Pendulum
    Unakite Stick Pendulum
    White Howlite Conical Pendulum
    Yellow Calcite Merkaba Star Pendulum
    Yellow Jadeite Conical Pendulum
    Yellow Quartz Stick Pendulum
     WELLNESS -  Feng-Shui -  Piramyds - Iridescent Pyramid 7 x 7 cm
    Iridescent Pyramid 8x8 cm
    Synthetic Crystal Pyramid 5x5cm
    Synthetic Crystal Pyramid 7x7cm
     WELLNESS -  Feng-Shui -  Platon pholyhedra - Green Quartz Polyhedron
    Rose Quartz Polyhedron 5 units
    Shungite Polyhedron 6 un.
     MINERALS -  Lamps / Candleholder - Agate Lamp 100 cm
    Agate Lamp 200cm
    Agate Lamp 20cm
    Agate Lamp 30cm
    Agate Lamp 60cm
    Agate Lamp Cube 20cm
    Agate Lamp Obelisk 65cm
    Change Colour Pyramid Lamp
    Crystall Rock Lamp (16cm x ø8cm). USB
    Extra Large Rock Crystal Lamp
    Himalayan salt block.
    Rock Crystal Big Lamp (19cm x Ø13cm)
    Rock Crystal Candleholder (1 hole)
    Rock Crystal lamp half-polished. 13 cm
    Rose Quartz Candleholder 1 hole
    Rose Quartz Half Polished Lamp 13cm
    Rose Quartz Lamp (14cm). USB
    Salt Candle Holder 1-1.5kg (box 12 units)
    Salt Candleholder 1 a 1.5 kg.
    Salt Lamp 1,5-2 kg. Box with (8 units)
    Salt Lamp 12-15kg
    Salt Lamp 15-20kg
    Salt Lamp 2-3 kg
    Salt Lamp 2-3 kg. Box with (6 units)
    Salt Lamp 35-50kg
    Salt Lamp 4 to 6 Kg
    Salt Lamp 4-6 kg. Box with (4 units)
    Salt Lamp. 1.5-2 kg
    Selenite Candleholder (8cm)
    Selenite Lamp (20 cm). USB colour change
    Selenite Lamp (20 cm.). Cable 1,5m
    Selenite Lamp (30 cm). USB colour change
    Selenite Lamp (30 cm.). Cable 1,5m
    Selenite Point Lamp (25-30cm). USB colour change
    Square Base Lamp
    USB Adapter
    Ying Yang Selenite Candleholder
     WELLNESS -  Bowls -  Crystal Bowls - 22cm Mallet for Quartz Bowl
    50cm Quartz Bowl
    60cm Quartz Bowl
    Ball Plastic Mallet for Big Bowl
    Ball Plastic Mallet for Small Bowl
    Case for 20cm Quartz Bowl
    Case for 25cm Quartz Bowl
    Case for 28cm Quartz Bowl
    Quartz Bowl 20cm
    Quartz Bowl 23cm
    Quartz Bowl 30cm
    Quartz Bowl 35cm
    Quartz Bowl 45 cm
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Donut pendant - 13 Doughnuts Pendant
    7 Doughnuts with Spiral Pendant
    Amethyst Doughnut
    Aventurine Doughnut
    Black Agate Doughnut
    Blue Howlite Doughnut
    Carnelian Doughnut
    Doughnut Ceramic Pendant. Set 4 units.
    Fire Agathe Doughnut
    Fluorite Doughnut
    Golden Aventurine Doughnut
    Hematite Doughnut
    Lidita Jasper Donut
    Red Jasper Doughnut
    Rock Crystal Doughnut
    Round Ceramic Pendant (set 4 pcs)
    Silver Spiral Pendant
    Tiger's Eye Doughnut
    Unakite Doughnut
    White Howlite Doughnut
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Talisman pendant - Aventurine Charm Pendant (Set 6 uni.)
    Green Jadeite Charm Pendant (Set 6 un.)
    Obsidian Charm Pendant (Set 6 un)
    Red Jasper Charm Pendant (Set 6 uni.)
    Sodalite Charm Pendant (Set 6 uni.)
    Turquenite Charm Pendant (Set 6 uni.)
    Unakite Charm Pendant (Set 6 uni.)
    Yellow Jadeite Charm Pendant (Set 6 uni.)
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Perforated Mineral Pendant - Agate Semipolished Drilled Pendant
    Aventurine 12mm Ball Pendant
    Aventurine Faceted Pendant
    Aventurine Perforated Teardrop Pendant
    Aventurine Plain Pendant
    Blue Calcite Semipolished Drilled Pendant
    Breciated Jasper Tumbled Pendant. Set 10 uni.
    Carnelian Buddha Pendant. Set 3 un.
    Carnelian Plain Pendant
    Carnelian Tumbled Pendant. Set 10 uni.
    Citrine Pendant Nature
    Crystal Quartz Plain Pendant
    Crystal Quartz Point Pendant.
    Crystal Quartz Teardrop Pendant
    Faden Quartz Pendant.
    Green Jadeite 18mm Ball Pendant
    Hematite ANCHOR Pendant. Set 10 un.
    Hematite BEAR Pendant. Set 10 un.
    Hematite ELEPHANT Pendant. Set 10 un.
    Hematite TURTLE Pendant. Set 10 un.
    Howlite Faceted Pendant
    Howlite Teardrop Pendant
    Jasper Arrow Head Pendant. Set 3 u.
    Labradorite Drilled Teardrop Pendant
    Lapis Lazuli semi-polished Pendant.
    Lidita Jasper Pendant
    Nacre Heart Pendant
    Opaline Buddha Pendant. Set 3 un.
    Orbicular Jasper Semipolished Drilled Pendant
    Pendant Amazonite Semipolished Drilled
    Pendant Rock crystal Teardrop Semipulled.
    Pendant Tear Feldspar Semi-polished
    Pendant Teardrop Black Feldspar Semi-polisched
    Pendant Teardrop Jasper Kambaba semi-polished
    Pendant Teardrop Ocean Jasper Semi-polished
    Pendant Teardrop Opal Green Semi-polished
    Pendant Teardrop Pink Quartz Semipulled
    Perforated Tectite Pendant
    Polished Labradorite Ammonite Pendant
    Prehenite Tumbled Pendant
    Red Jasper 12mm Ball Pendant
    Red Jasper Plain Pendant
    Red Jasper Teardrop Pendant
    Rose Quartz Pendant
    Rose Quartz Teardrop Pendant
    Sodalite 12mm Ball Pendant
    Sodalite Plain Pendant (2,5 x 3,5 cm.)
    Sodalite Plain Pendant (3x4 cm)
    Sodalite Tumbled Pendant. Set 10 uni.
    Tiger Eye Pendant
    Variscite Pendant
    White Howlite Perforated Teardrop Pendant
    White Howlite Plain Pendant
     WELLNESS -  Sacred Geometry -  Pendulum - 7 Faces Crystall Rock Pendulum
    Crystall Rock Conical Ball Pendulum
    Crystall Rock Merkaba Conical Pendulum
    Crystall Rock Merkaba Conical Pendulum
    Crystall Rock Merkaba Cube Conical Pendulum
    Crystall Rock Oval Pyramid Pendulum
    Triple Pyramid Pendulum
     MINERALS -  Display case - Amber Stone Display
    Amethyst Druse Box. Set 5un.
    Amethyst Druse Display
    Baryte Rose Display
    Black Onyx Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Blue Howlite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Breciated Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Carnelian Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Celestine Stone Display Case
    Chalcopyrite Iridescent Display Case
    Chip Chondrites Display Case
    Chip Minerals Display Case
    Colored Quartz Geodes Display
    COPPER Bottles Display
    COPPER Bottles Display
    Crystal Quartz Heart Box.
    Dalmatian Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Dalmatian Jasper Heart Box.
    Display Dinosaure Mineral
    Display Glass Bottles Gold
    Display of Anti-Stress Balls
    Display of Rose Quartz Hearts (18 un) SV
    Ethnic Bracelets Display
    Fluorescent Minerals Display Case (3 blisters)
    Gems of the World Display
    Geode Box. Set 5un.
    GOLD Bottles Display
    Golden Geode Box. Set 5un.
    GOLDEN Jars Display
    Green Geode Box. Set 5un.
    Hematite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Howlite Heart Box.
    Jade Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Jasper from Barcelona Display
    Labradorite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Magic Stones Showcase
    Magic Stones Showcase
    Meteorites Display
    Minerals display raw
    Minerals Hardness Display Case (3 blisters)
    Minerals of the World Display
    Minerals of the World display with boxes.
    Ocean Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Orange Calcite Anti-Stress Balls Box
    Phosphorescent Quartz Display Case
    Pigments of Sorolla Display
    Prehistorics Pigments Display
    Protection Amulet Display
    Purple Geode Box. Set 5un.
    Quartz Geodes Display
    Red Aventurine Anti-Stress Balls Box
    Red Geode Box. Set 5 un.
    Red Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Red Jasper Heart Box.
    Red Obsidian Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Rhodonite Heart Box.
    Rose Geode Box. Set 5un.
    Rose Quartz Box. Set 5un.
    Rose Quartz Display Case
    Rose Quartz Display Case (38un)
    Rose Quartz Heart Box (Valentine's Day).
    Rose Quartz Heart Box.
    Rough Diamond Display
    Salt of the Himalayas Display
    Shungit display
    Silex Arrow Heads Display
    SILVER & COPPER bottles Display
    SILVER Display Glass
    Sodalite Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Sodalite Heart Box.
    Tectite Display Pendant
    Tectites Display
    The Power of Stones Display
    Tiger Eye Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Tourmaline Box. Set 5un.
    Tourmaline Display Case (38 boxes)
    Volcanic Rocks Display
    Wavestone Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Wood Gems of the World Box
    World Stones Display.
    Yellow Geode Box. Set 5un.
    Yellow Jasper Anti-Stress Balls Box.
    Zodiac Stones Round Wood Display
     JEWELLERY -  Threads - Beige Suede Thread 100 Meters
    Blue Silk Thread 90 Meters
    Brown Silk Thread 90 Meters
    Brown Suede Thread 100 Meters
    Green Silk Thread. 90 Meters
    Grey Suede Thread 100 Meters
    Light Blue Suede Thread. 100 Meters
    Orange Suede Thread 100 Meters
    Turquese Blue Silk Thread. 90 Meters
    Amethyst 12mm Ball Pendant
    Crystall Rock 18mm Ball Pendant
    Rose Quartz 12mm Ball Pendant
     MINERALS -  Chakras -
    Amethyst Chakra. Set 3 Un.
    Amethyst Oval form 12-20mm (set 5 pcs)
    Black Agate Calibrated Chakra
    Black Obsidian Oval form 12-20mm (set 5 pcs)
    Blue Howlite Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3un.
    Calcite Calibrated Chakra
    Calcite Chakra. Tumbled Flat. Set 3 un.
    Carnelian Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3 Un.
    Carnelian Oval form 12-20mm (set 5 pcs)
    Chakra in Cardboard
    Chakra Wood Box Octogonal (set)
    Hematite Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3 Un.
    Labradorite Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3 un.
    Onyx Chakra. Set 3 un.
    Red Aventurine Chakra. Set 3 un.
    Red Jasper Calibrated Chakra (Tumbled Flat)
    Red Jasper Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3un.
    Rock Crystal Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3un.
    Rose Quartz Chakra (Tumbled Flat). Set 3un.
    Set Calibrated Chakras stones 25mm
    Shungite Chakra. Price Set 3 un.
    Snowflake Obsidian Chakra. Set 3 Un.
    Sodalite Calibrated Chakra
    Sodalite Small Calibrated Chakra
    Tiger's Eye Chakra. Set 3 un.
    Yellow Jadeite Reiki Chakra
     FOSSILS -  Fossils - Ammonite/Orthocera Plate (40 cm)
    Ammonites (Peru). Tray 12 Un.
    Ammonites Iridescent lot (24u tray)
    Ammonites Iridescent lot (35u tray)
    Ammonites Iridescent lot (54u tray)
    Ammonites lot (35u tray)
    Ammonites lot (6u tray)
    Ammonites lot (6u tray)
    Ammonites lot (7u tray)
    Bivalve Rostellum
    Brown Matrix Fossil Fish
    Carcharodon Megalodon Tooth
    Douvilleiceras Lot (24u tray)
    Douvilleiceras Lot (9u tray)
    Equus (Horse Tooth)
    Fossil Bivalve 2,5 - 3,5cm (Madagascar). Set 5 Un.
    Fossil Bivalve 3cm. Madagascar. Set 5u.
    Fossil Bivalve 6-8cm. Madagascar.
    Fossil Bivalve Lot 3cm. Madagascar.
    Fossil Bivalve Lot 6-8cm. Madagascar.
    Fossil Bivalve Lot (35u.) Madagascar.
    Fossil Bivalve Lot (Madagascar) 24un.
    Fossil Fish Lot (Brazil) 18u.
    Fossil Fish Lot (Brazil) 24u.
    Fossil Fish Lot (China) 6u.
    Fossil Insect lot (12u tray)
    Fossil Insect lot (18u tray)
    Fossil Insect lot (6u tray)
    Fossil Insect lot (9u tray)
    Fossil Wood Chip. Price per Kg
    Fossil Wood Lot (12u tray)
    Fossil Wood lot (18u tray)
    Fossil Wood lot (24u tray)
    Fossil Wood lot (35u tray)
    Fossil Wood lot (6u tray)
    Fossil Wood lot (Madagascar) 6un. (4x4)
    Fossil Wood Lot one polished side (12u tray)
    Fossil Wood Lot one polished side (24u tray)
    Fossil Wood Lot one polished side (9u tray)
    Gonniatites Fossil 5cm
    Gonniatites Fossil Big
    Gonniatites Fossil Small
    Gonniatites lot (12u tray)
    Gonniatites lot (24u tray)
    Gonniatites Lot (35u tray)
    Gonniatites Morocco
    Insect Fossil Brazil
    Jurasic Pygurus
    Lot Ammonites (Peru). Tray 24 Un.
    Lot of Iridescent Ammonite (12u tray)
    Lot of Iridescent Ammonite (24u tray)
    Mercenaria Permagna lot (12u tray)
    Mercenaria Permagna lot (6u tray)
    Mercenaria Permagna lot (9u tray)
    Mercenaria Permagna- Calcite Crystals
    Natural Pygurus (8cm) PRICE/UNIT
    Nautilus (13 x 15 cm)
    Nautilus (9 x 11 cm)
    Nautilus Céphalopod (11 x 13 cm)
    Nautilus Lot (6u tray)
    Orthocera 50cm
    Orthocera Egg 50mm
    Orthocera Eggs lot (24u tray)
    Orthocera Eggs lot (35u tray)
    Orthocera lot (12u tray)
    Orthocera lot (18u tray)
    Orthocera lot (24u tray)
    Orthocera lot (6u tray)
    Orthocera lot (9u tray)
    Orthocera Plaque 14cm
    Perisphinctes lot (24u tray)
    Perisphinctes lot (35u tray)
    Perisphinctes lot (54u tray)
    Petrified Fossil Wood
    Petrified Fossil Wood
    Petrified Fossil Wood
    Petrified Fossil Wood (2 polished faces)
    Polished Ammonites "Pair 22-25cm"
    Polished Ammonites (Pairs) Lot 12un.
    Polished Ammonites (Pairs) Lot 24un.
    Polished Ammonites (Pairs) Lot 35un.
    Polished Ammonites Lot (12u tray)
    Polished Ammonites Lot (6u tray)
    Polished Ammonites Lot (6u tray)
    Polished Ammonites Pair 22-25cm
    Polished Ammonites Pair 22-25cm
    Polished Ammonites Pair 22-25cm
    Polished Ammonites Pair 3-5cm
    Polished Ammonites Pair 38cm
    Polished Ammonites. Lot 24 Un.
    Polished Ammonites. Lot 54 Un.
    Polished Pair Ammonites 15-17 cm
    Polished Pair Ammonites 27-30cm
    Polished Pair Ammonites 27-30cm. In box.
    Pygurus (set 6u)
    Pygurus 2-3cm. Madagascar. Set 10u.
    Pygurus 3-5 cm. Madagascar. Set 5u.
    Pygurus lot (12u tray)
    Pygurus lot (24u tray)
    Pygurus lot (54u tray)
    Rostellum lot (24u tray)
    Set of Shark Teeth (Otodus obliquus)
    Shark Tooth Pendant ( 2cm approx.)
    Shark Tooth Set (54u)
    Shark Tooth. Set 54 un.
    Shark Tooth. Set 6 un.
    Single Polished Ammonite 25-28cm
    Trilobites Plate (Andalucien)
    Turritella (Burdigalian). Lot 24 Un.
    Walrus Tooth (ivory fossil)
     FOSSILS -  Excavadinos - Brachiosaurus Dig out "Paleontology"
    Mammoth Excavation "Paleontologo"
    Pteranodon Excavation "Paleontology"
    Stegosaurus Excavation "Paleontology"
    Tryceratops Excavation "Paleontoligy"
    Tyranosaurus Rex Dig out "Paleontology"
    Velociraptor Dig out "Paleontology"
     FOSSILS -  Dinos reproduction - Chasmosaurus Skull Resine
    Diloplophosaurus Figure Resine
    Dinosaur "Diplodocus" Onyx (7cm)
    Dinosaur "T-Rex" Onyx (8cm)
    Dinosaur "Triceratops" Onyx (8cm)
    Pachycelosaurus Figure Resine
    Steatite Brontosaurus (set 6u.)
    Steatite Dimetrodon (set 6u.)
    Steatite Dinos (set 54u.)
    Steatite Spinosaurus (set 6u.)
    Steatite Stegosaurus (set 6u.)
    Steatite Triceratops (set 6u.)
    Steatite Tyranosaurus (set 6u.)
     MINERALS -  Shungite - Big Tumbled Stone Shungite . Bag 1kg
    Big Tumbled Stone Shungite. Bag 1kg
    Elite Shungite Pendant
    Jumbo Tumbled Stone Shungite. Bag 1kg
    Medium Tumbled Shungite. Bag 100gr
    Shungit and Rock Crystal Bracelet, Set 2u.
    Shungit Bracelet Ball 4 mm.
    Shungite Ball 15cm
    Shungite Ball 2cm
    Shungite Ball 4cm
    Shungite Ball 6cm
    Shungite bracelet
    Shungite Bracellet 6mm Ball
    Shungite Bracellet 8mm Ball
    Shungite Chakra and Flower of Life.
    Shungite Chakra. Price Set 3 un.
    Shungite Chip Bracelet. Set 6 Un.
    Shungite Dougnut 40 mm
    Shungite leaf Pendant 45 mm
    Shungite Massager Point
    Shungite Pendant 45 mm
    Shungite Pendant Biterminated Tip
    Shungite Pendant Flower of Life symbol
    Shungite pendant. Barrel shape.
    Shungite Pyramide (4 cm)
    Shungite Pyramide 3 cm
    Shungite Pyramide 4 cm
    Shungite Pyramide 5 cm
    Shungite Pyramide 6 cm
    Shungite Pyramide 7cm
    Shungite rhombus Pendant 50 mm
    Shungite Rough 15-20cm. (Minimum 5kg)
    Shungite Rough 2-3 cm. (Minimum 5kg)
    Shungite Stick Massager
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Assorted Pendant - Amethyst Angel Pendant 20mm
    Amethyst Angel Pendant 25mm
    Amethyst Arrow Pendant 25mm (Set 3un)
    Aragonite Heart Pendant
    Aventurine 20mm Angel Pendant
    Aventurine Heart Pendant
    Cupid Pendant
    Fatima Hand Pendant
    Flower of Life Pendant + Chain 40mm (Set 5un)
    Flower of Life Pendant 40mm (Set 5un)
    Golder Blue Aventurine Heart Pendant
    Green Jadeite Heart Pendant
    Green Jadeite Pyramid Pendant
    Green Quartz Pyramid Pendant
    Hematite Heart Pendant
    Hematite Silver Pyramid Pendant
    I Ching Coin. Set 5un
    Jadeite Hexagonal Ying Yang
    Jadeite Ying Yang
    Jadeite Ying Yang Pakua
    Jasper Heart Pendant
    Ladybug Angel Caller Pendant
    Moss Agathe Heart Pendant
    Onyx Heart Pendant
    Pakua Pendant
    Pendant for ashes. Set 3 un.
    Red Aventurine Heart Pendant
    Red Jasper Heart Pendant
    Red Jasper Silver Pyramid Pendant
    Relief Buddha Head
    Rock Crystal Angel Pendant
    Rock Crystal Heart Pendant
    Rodhonite Heart Pendant
    Rose Quartz Arrow Pendant 25mm (Set 3un)
    Rose Quartz Heart Pendant
    Shark Tooth Pendant ( 2cm approx.)
    Shark Tooth Pendant (3 cm approx.)
    Snowflake Obsidian Silver Pyramid Pendant
    Sodalite Angel Pendant 20mm
    Tiger's Eye Angel Pendant. 20mm
    Tiger's Eye Heart Pendant
    Viswa Vajra Buddhist Charm Pendant (5uni)
    Ying Yang Round Jade
     JEWELLERY -  Horoscope - Aquarius Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Aries Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Aries Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Cancer Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Cancer/Aventurine Keyring (Set 3 uni.)
    Capricorn / Snowflake Obsidian Keyring. Set 3 Un.
    Capricorn Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Capricorn Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Gemini Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Leo Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Libra Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Libra/Bostwana Agate Keyring. Set 3 Un.
    Rock Crystal Ball Keyrring (pack 3 pcs)
    Saggitarius Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Sagittarius Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Scorpio Pendant Zodiaque (Set 3 uni.)
    Scorpio/Breciated Jasper Keyring (Set 3 uni.)
    Taurus Ceramic Keyring. Set 5 un.
    Virgo Pendant Zodiac (Set 3 uni.)
    Virgo/Green Quartz Keyring (Set 3 uni.)
    Zodiac Jewelry Box
     JEWELLERY -  Pendants -  Polish Pendant - Cabochon Stone Pendant
    Cage with stone Pendant. Set 6un.
    Calchedony Pendant
    Carnelian Pendant
    Carnelian Ring Pendant
    Carnelian Tumbled Pendant
    Charoite Pendant. Silver.
    Crystal pendant caged in wire. (Set 10u.)
    Empty Cage Pendant. Set 10 un.
    Fluorite Tumbled and silver Pendant. Set 5u.
    Gray Agate Tumbled and silver Pendant. Set 5u.
    Green Quartz Tumbled and silver Pendant. Set 5u.
    Hemimorphite Pendant
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant Large
    Meteorite Muonionalusta Pendant Small
    Opaline Pendant
    Red Jasper Tumbled and silver Pendant. Set 5u.
    Rutile Net Pendant
    Silver Cage
    Snowflake Obsidian Tumbled and silver Pendant. Set 5u.
    Sodalite Tumbled Pendant
    Trapezium-shaped larimar pendant and silver.
    Turquenite Tumbled and silver Pendant. Set 5u.
     MINERALS -  Geodes / Druses - Agate Geodes. Set 6 Unit
    Amethyst Druse (Brazil). Price Kg
    Amethyst Druse (Uruguay). Price Kg
    Amethyst Druse Bolivien
    Amethyst Druse Mini with metal foot.
    Amethyst Druse with golden rim. Lot 5,3kg
    Amethyst Druse with golden rim. Lot 5,6kg
    Amethyst Druse with metal foot (14cm)
    Amethyst Druse with metal foot.
    Amethyst Druse. 12 units box.
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 4,6kg
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 4,6kg
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 5,2kg
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 5,4kg
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 6,4kg
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 6,8kg
    Amethyst Druse. Lot 7,8kg
    Amethyst Druze Brazil. Quality "A"
    Amethyst Geoda - 1-2 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 10,74 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 11,86 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 11,96 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 18,24 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 2-3 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 3-4 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 7,98 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 8,90 kg
    Amethyst Geoda - 9,20 kg
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode
    Amethyst Geode (10,3kg)
    Amethyst Geode (10,98kg)
    Amethyst Geode (14,36kg)
    Amethyst Geode (25,58kg)
    Amethyst Geode (6,46kg)
    Amethyst Geode (6,80kg)
    Amethyst Geode (9,3kg)
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 10,9 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 11 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 11,6 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 13,5 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 13,8 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 13,9 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 14,2 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 14,3 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 14,6 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 16,3 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 16,8 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 19,2 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 21 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 6 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 6,2 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 6,4 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 6,4 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 6,7 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 8,3 kg
    Amethyst Geode (cut both sides) 9,8 kg
    Amethyst Ring 1,74 kg
    Amethyst Ring 1,76 kg
    Amethyst Ring 1,78 kg
    Amethyst Ring 2,08 kg
    Amethyst Ring 2,24 kg
    Amethyst Ring 2,30 kg
    Amethyst Ring 2,50 kg
    Amethyst Ring 2,64 kg
    Amethyst Ring 3,26 kg
    Amethyst Ring 3,66 kg
    Amethyst Ring 3,80 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,08 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,10 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,12 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,18 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,24 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,44 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,50 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,72 kg
    Amethyst Ring 4,82 kg
    Amethyst Ring 5,02 kg
    Amethyst Ring 5,06 kg
    Amethyst Ring 5,9 kg
    Amethyst Ring 6,12 kg
    Amethyst Ring 6,22 kg
    Amethyst Ring 6,82 kg
    Amethyst Ring 6,88 kg
    Amethyst Ring 6,98 kg
    Amethyst Ring 7,8 kg
    Amethyst Ring 8 kg
    Aura Quartz Blue Druse with metal foot
    Aura Quartz Pearl Druse with metal foot.
    Aura Quartz Rainbow Druse with metal foot.
    Celestine Druse Madagascar (+5kg). Price Kg
    Celestine Druse Madagascar. (pièces de -5kg). Price Kg
    Citrine Druse with metal foot (14cm)
    Citrine Druse. Price per Kg
    Citrine Geode. 12,2 kg
    Citrine Geode. 16,7 kg
    Citrine Geode. 23,7 kg
    Citrine Geode. 24,3 kg
    Citrine Geode. 25,6 kg
    Citrine Geode. 29,7 kg
    Citrine Geode. 39,1 kg
    Citrine Geode. 51,1 kg
    Citrine Geode. 56,5 kg
    Crystal Quartz Druse with metal foot.
    Crystal Quartz Druses (Peru). Price per Kg
    Geode (EXTRA). Price per Kg
    Mini-geode Chalcedony (Pune, India). Price/un.
    Mini-geode Natrolite (Pune, India). Price/un.
    Natural Agate Geode with metal foot
    Pink Agate Geode with metal foot
    Quartz Druses (dyed green)
    Quartz Druses (dyed in different colors). 35un.
    Quartz Druses (dyed in gold colour)
    Quartz Druses (dyed pink)
    Quartz Druses (Dyed Purple)
    Quartz Geode (700g-1kg) (price/unit)
    Quartz Geodes (dyed in different colors). 35un.
    Teal Agate Geode with metal foot
     WELLNESS -  Feng-Shui -  Glass spheres - 150mm Synthetic Crystal Ball
    200mm Synthetic Crystal Ball
    40mm Synthetic Crystal Ball
    80mm Synthetic Crystal Ball
    Synthetic Crystal Ball
     MINERALS -  Mineral 4x4/5x5/6x6 - "Citrine" Calcite (Mexico). Set 54 Un.
    "Citrine" Calcite (Mexico). Set 6 Un.
    Agate Colors. Set 35 Un.
    Agate Geodes. Set 6 Unit
    Allophane (Barcelona). Set 6 Unit
    Amber. Set 54 Unit
    Amber. Set 6 Unit
    Amethyst (Mexico). Set 6 Unit
    Amethyst Arrows Lot (54u.)
    Amethyst Druse. Set 35 Un.
    Amethyst druse. Set 54 Un.
    Amethyst Points (Brazil). Set 54 Un.
    Amethyst Points (Brazil). Set 6 Un.
    Amethyst Zambia. Set 54 Un.
    Amethyst Zambia. Set 54 Un.
    Améthyst. Price 6 units.
    Ametrine. Price 6 units
    Ametrine. Set 54 Un.
    Andalusite (Córdoba, Spain). Set 6u.
    Anhydrite/Angelite. Set 54 Unit
    Anhydrite/Angelite. Set 6 Unit
    Ankerite (Morocco). Set 35 Un.
    Apache Tears. Set 6 Unit
    Apache Tears. Set 8 Unit 6x6
    Apatite Blue. Price 6 Units
    Apatite. Set 54 Un.
    Apophyllite. Set 54 Un.
    Apophyllite. Set 6 Unit
    Aquamarine. Set 54 units
    Aquamarine. Set 6 units
    Aragonite Cuenca. Price 6 Units
    Aragonite Cuenca. Set 54 Un.
    Aragonite Star. Set 54 Un.
    Aragonite Star. Set 6 Un.
    Aura Quartz Point. Set 6 Units
    Axinite (Lleida, Spain). Set 6u.
    Bauxite (Barcelona). Set 54 un
    Bauxite (Barcelona). Set 6u.
    Bismuthinite. Set 6 Unit
    Black Obsidian. Set 54 Un.
    Black Obsidian. Set 6 Unit
    Black Tourmaline from Brazil. Box with 20 pcs.
    Black Tourmaline. Set 54un.
    Black Tourmaline. Set 6 Un.
    Blue Calcite. Set 54 Un.
    Blue Calcite. Set 6 Un.
    Blue Gold Aventurine (Blue Sun Stone). Set 54 Un.
    Blue Gold Aventurine (Blue Sun Stone). Set 6 Un.
    Blue Quartz. Set 54 Un.
    Blue Quartz. Set 6 Un.
    Bottles with Aventurine (set x6)
    Bottles with Chalcopyrite Iridescent (set x6)
    Bottles with chip Minerals. (set 54u.)
    Bottles with Fuchsite-Mica (set x6)
    Bottles with Phosphorescent Quartz. Set 6 Un.
    Bronzite. Set 54 Un.
    Bronzite. Set 6 Un.
    Calcite (Malgrat de Mar, Barcelona). Set 6 Units
    Carnelian (India). Price 54 units
    Carnelian. Set 6 Unit
    Celestine Druse (Sicily, Italy). Set 24 Un.
    Celestine. Set 54 Un.
    Celestine. Set 6 Unit
    Chalcedony Nodules (Morocco). Set 6 Un.
    Chalcopyrite Iridescent Bottles (Set 54u)
    Chrysocolla. Price 54 units.
    Chrysocolla. Price 6 units.
    Cinnabar Bottles (Almadén, Spain). Set 54 Un.
    Cinnabar Bottles (Almadén, Spain). Set 6 Un.
    Cinnabar. Price 6 units
    Cinnabar. Set 54 Unit
    Cobaltoan Calcite (Peramea, Lleida). Set 6 Units
    Cooper Sulphate flower. Set 54 Un.
    Cooper Sulphate Flower. Set 6 Units
    Copiapite (Barcelona, Spain). Set 6 Units
    Cordierite. Set 6 Unit
    Crystal Quartz Point. Price 6 un.
    Crystal Quartz Points. Set 54 Un.
    Crystallised Celestine (Sicily, Italy). Set 6 Un.
    Cut Rhodonite (Peru). Set 54 Un.
    Cut Rhodonite (Peru). Set 6 Un.
    Desert Rose (Algeria). Set 54 Un.
    Desert Rose (Algeria). Set 6 Un.
    Dioptase (South Africa). Set 54 Un.
    Dioptase (South Africa). Set 6 Un.
    Dravite. Price 6 units
    Dumortierite. Price 6 units
    Emerald. Set 54 Unit
    Emerald. Set 6 Unit
    Epidote (Madagascar). Set 54 Un.
    Epidote (Madagascar). Set 6 Un.
    Falcon's Eye (South Africa). Set 54 Un.
    Falcon's Eye (South Africa). Set 6 Un.
    Feldspath. Price 6 units
    Fluorite (Asturias, Spain). Set 6u.
    Fluorite (Barcelona). Set 6 Unit
    Fluorite (El Papiol, Barcelona). Set 6 Units
    Fluorite Octahedrons. Set 6 Un.
    Fluorite Octahedrons. Set 6 Unit
    Fossil Wood. Set 6 Units
    Galena (Bulgaria). Price 6 units
    Galena (Bulgaria). Set 54 units
    Galena (Morocco). Price 6 units
    Garnierite EXTRA QUALITY. Price/unit
    Golden Aventurine (India). Set 6 Un.
    Goldstone (India). Set 54 Un.
    Green Aragonite. Set 54 Unit
    Green Aragonite. Set 6 Unit
    Green Calcite. Set 54 Un.
    Green Calcite. Set 6 Un.
    Green Fluorite. Set 54 Un.
    Green Fluorite. Set 6 units
    Green Opal. Set 54 Un.
    Green Opal. Set 6 Un.
    Green Quartz. Price 54 units
    Green Quartz. Price 6 units
    Green Tourmaline. Price 6 units
    Green Tourmaline. Set 54 Un.
    Grossular Garnet (Mexico). Set 6 Units
    Gypsum crystals (Castellón, Spain). Set 6 Units
    Gypsum crystals (Zaragoza, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    Gypsum crystals (Zaragoza, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    Hematite. Price 6 units
    Hematoid Quartz (Cercs, Barcelona, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    Hemimorphite. Price 6 units
    Herkimer Quartz (Pakistan) in Urn 5x5cm
    Herkimer Quartz (USA). Set 54 Un.
    Herkimer Quartz (USA). Set 6 Un.
    Iolite (Madagascar). Set 54 un.
    Iolite (Madagascar). Set 6 un.
    Jacinto de Compostela. Price 6 units
    Kunzite. Price 6 units
    Kunzite. Set 54 units
    Labradorite Pyramid. Set 6 Units
    Landscape Jasper (Paesina). Set 54 units
    Landscape Jasper (Paesina). Set 6 units
    Lapis Lazuli. Price 6 units
    Lapis Lazuli. Set 54 Un.
    Laser Rock Crystal Points (Brazil). Set 6 Un.
    Magnesite (Lugo, Spain). Set 6 Units
    Magnetique Magnetite. Set 54 Un.
    Magnetite Magnetique. Price 6 units
    Magnetite Octahedrons. Set 6 Unit
    Mahogany Obsidian. Set 54 Un.
    Mahogany Obsidian. Set 6 Unit
    Malachite. Price 6 units
    Malachite. Set 54 Un.
    Manganoan Calcite. Set 54un.
    Manganoan Calcite. Set 6un.
    Melanite Garnet (India). Set 54 Un.
    Mesolite (India)
    Metallurgical copper. Set 6 Unit
    Mica Biotite. Price 6 units.
    Mica Fuchsite. Price 6 units
    Mica Lepidolite. Set 54 Un.
    Mica Lepidolite. Set 6 Un.
    Moki Stone (USA) 4-6cm approx.
    Molybdenite (Gualba, Barcelona)
    Molybdenite (Gualba, Barcelona)
    Mookaite. Set 54 Un.
    Moonstone, Price 6 units
    Moonstone. Set 54 Unit
    Morganite. Set 54 Un.
    Morganite. Set 6 Un.
    Moss Agate. Set 54 un.
    Moss Agate. Set 6 un.
    Natural Amethyst Point 5x5. Set 35 Un.
    Natural Amethyst Point 6x6. Set 24 Un.
    Olivine (Peridot). Set 6 Un.
    Orange Calcite. Set 54 Un.
    Orange Calcite. Set 6 Unit
    Orthose (Sils, Girona, Spain). Set 6u.
    Paesina (Italy). Set 6 Unit
    Peridot Bottles (India). Set 54 Un.
    Phosphorescent Quartz Bottles. Set 54 Un.
    Pink Opal (Peru). Set 54 Un.
    Pink Opal (Peru). Set 6 un.
    Pinolite (Austria). Set 54 Un.
    Pinolite (Austria). Set 6 Un.
    Polished Quartz Points (Brazil). Set 6 Un.
    Prehnite. Set 54 Un.
    Purpurite (Portugal)
    Purpurite (Portugal). Set 54 Un.
    Purpurite (Portugal). Set 6 Un.
    Pyrite (Ambasaguas, La Rioja). Set 6 Units
    Pyrite Chispa. Set 54 Un.
    Pyrite Chispa. Set 6 Unit
    Pyrite. Set 24 Un.
    Pyrite. Set 35 Un.
    Pyrite. Set 54 Un.
    Pyritohedrons (Peru). Set 54 Un.
    Pyrrhotite (Gualba-Barcelona). Set 6 Unit
    Quartz (La Rioja, Spain). Set 6u.
    Quartz Geode (Sahara, Morocco). Set 54 Un.
    Quartz Geodes. Set 35 Un.
    Quartz Smoked Tip. Price 6 units
    Red Gypsum. Price 6 Units
    Red Gypsum. Set 54 Un.
    Red Jasper. Set 54 Un.
    Red Jasper. Set 6 Un.
    Rhodochrosite (Argentina). Set 54 Un.
    Rhodochrosite (Argentina). Set 6 Un.
    Rose Quartz. Price 6 units
    Rose Quartz. Set 54 Un.
    Salt. Set 54 Un.
    Sanidine. Set 35 Un.
    Sapphire. Set 54un.
    Sapphire. Set 6un.
    Scapolite. Set 54 Un.
    Scolecite (Huesca, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    Selenite Rose (Mexico). Set 54 Un.
    Selenite Rose (Mexico). Set 6 Un.
    Selenite Rose (Minglanilla, Cuenca). Set 6 Units
    Septaria (Madagascar). Set 54 Un.
    Septaria (Madagascar). Set 6 Un.
    Serpentine. Set 54 Un.
    Serpentine. Set 6 Un.
    Shark Tooth Set (54u)
    Shungite. Price 6 units.
    Shungite. Set 54 units.
    Small Bismuth. Price 6 units
    Small Bismuth. Set 54 Un.
    Small Pyrite. Set 6 Unit
    SmBigall Bismuth. Set 54 Un.
    Smoky Quartz. Set 6 Unit
    Snowflake Obsidian. Set 54un.
    Snowflake Obsidian. Set 6un.
    Sodalite. Price 6 units
    Sodalite. Set 54 Un.
    Sphalerite (Peru). Set 54 Un.
    Sphalerite. Price 6 units
    Staurolite (Russia). Set 6 Unit
    Staurolite. Price 6 units
    Stibnite (Romania) (54u. 4x4)
    Stibnite. Set 12 Un.
    Stibnite. Set 24 Un.
    Stibnite. Set 35 Un.
    Taramite (Brazil). Price 6 units.
    Tectite. Set 6 un.
    Terahertz (Silicium). Set 54 Unit
    Terahertz (Silicium). Set 54 Unit
    Terahertz (Silicium). Set 6 Un.
    Terahertz (Silicium). Set 6 Unit
    Thulite. Price 6 units
    Thulite. Set 54 Un.
    Tiger Eye. Price 6 units
    Tiger Eye. Set 54 un.
    Tyrolite (Granada, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    Ulexite (California, USA). Set 6 Units
    Vanadinite (Morocco). Set 54 Un.
    Vanadinite (Morocco). Set 6 Un.
    Variscite (Barcelona). Set 54 Un.
    Variscite (Barcelona). Set 6 Un.
    Vesuvianite (Hortsavinyà, Barcelona). Set 6u.
    Vesuvianite (Montnegre, Barcelona). Set 54 Un.
    Vision Calcite. Set 35 Un.
    Vision Calcite. Set 54 Un.
    Vonsenite (Badajoz, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    Vonsenite (Badajoz, Spain). Set 6 Unit
    White Howlite. Set 54 Unit
    White Howlite. Set 6 Unit
    Wollastonite. Price 6 Units
    Wollastonite. Set 54 Un.
     WELLNESS -  Feng-Shui -  Fengshui Accesories - Big Pakua Mirror
    Compass Feng-shui 20cm
    Feng-shui Compass 23cm
    Medium Pakua Mirror
    Pakua Mirror
    Round Compass
     JEWELLERY -  Bracelets -  Chakra bracelet - Bracelet Chakras (Ball 4mm)
    Buddhist chakras Bracelet (Ball 8mm). Set 3 Un.
    Chakra Bracelet (Ball 10mm)
    Chakra Bracelet (Ball 6mm). Set 3 Un.
    Chakra Bracelet (Ball 8mm)
    Chakra Bracellet (10mm ball)
    Chakra Bracellet.
    Chakra Colours Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Chakras Bracelet
    Elastic Bracelet Chakras and Steel.
    Seven Colours Chip Bracellet. Set 6 Un.
    Zirconite Chakra Bracelet
     WELLNESS -  Runes / Dices - Aventurine Plain Rune
    Aventurine Tumbled Rune
    Black Agate Tumbled Runes
    Blue Quartz Tumbled Rune
    Dodecahedra Astrology Planets (6 units)
    Lapislazuli Plain Rune
    Lapislazuli Tumbled Rune
    Obsidian Tumbled Rune
    Red Jasper Tumbled Rune
    Red Jasper Tumbled Rune
    Resin Runes Display Stand 10 un.
    Rose Quartz Runes
     MINERALS -  Gold / Silver / Copper - Alembic Gold Bottle. Set 18 uni.
    Amphora bottle with gold. Set 35 uni.
    Blown Glass Bottle Filled Gold. Set 35 Un.
    Blown Glass Gold Cat
    Blown glass Mouse Gold.
    Cooper Bottle. Set of 54 un.
    Cooper Bottle. Set of 6 un.
    Copper Bottle Blown Glass . Set 6 uni.
    Copper Bottle Blown Glass. Set 54 un.
    Copper Glass Blown Amphora Small. Set 35 un.
    Flamingo in gold blown glass. Set 35 un.
    Glass egg with Gold
    Glass egg with Gold. Set 35 un.
    Gold Big Bottle
    Gold Big Bottle. Set 35 Un.
    Gold Bottle Edelweiss.
    Gold Bottle Edelweiss. Set 35 Un.
    Gold Bottle Jar.
    Gold Bottle Jar. Set 24 un.
    Gold Bottle.
    Gold Bottle. Set 18 un.
    Gold Bottle. Set 35 un.
    Gold Bottle. Set 54 un.
    Gold Bottle. Set 54 uni.
    Gold Bottle. Set 6 uni.
    Gold Cat. Set 12 un.
    Gold Cock Blown Glass
    Gold Cock. Set de 9
    Gold Dinosaur. Set de 9
    Gold Dinosaure Blown Glass
    Gold Dog Blown Glass
    Gold Dog. Set 12 un.
    Gold Dolphin.
    Gold Dolphin. Set 35 un.
    Gold Duck. Set 18 uni.
    Gold Elephant Glass. Set 12 un.
    Gold Elephant.
    Gold Fish.
    Gold Fish. Set 12 uni.
    Gold Flask Handle.
    Gold Flask handle. Set 35 un.
    Gold flask. Set 6pcs.
    Gold Heart Pendant. Set 12 uni.
    Gold Long Neck Soufflé Glass Bottle
    Gold Mouse. Set 18 un.
    Gold Owl Glass Blown . Set 18 uni.
    Gold Penguin Glass Blown
    Gold Penguin. Set 12 un.
    Gold Phoenician Bottle
    Gold Phoenician Bottle. Set 54 un.
    Gold Pig. Set 18 un.
    Gold Swan. Set 18 uni.
    Gold Turtle Blown Glass
    Gold Turtle Blown Glass. Set 18 un.
    Gold Whale Glass Brown
    Gold Whale. Set 12 uni.
    Golden Pig.
    Silver Amphore Glass Small. Set 35 uni.
    Silver Bottle Blown Glass. Set 54 un.
    Silver Bottle Blown glass. Set 6 un.
    Silver Bottle. Set 54 un.
    Small Amphore Gold. Set 35 un.
     DECOR -  Books -
    16 Didactic Sheets (spanish) + Free wooden display.
    Astrology Card
    Atlas of the Fosiles
    Book "Estandarte Amatista"
    Book "Know minerals"
    Book "Minerales"
    Book "Polvo Eres"
    Book "Raíces". Una historia y 60 plantas que curan.
    Book Dictionary of healing stones
    Book Stones and Crystals
    Book. Meteorites.
    Essence Oil Card
    Fossil pocket guide book
    I Ching Card
    Ioga Card
    Magic and Witchcraft Card
    Mantra Card
    Minerals Book. Mini Pocket Guide
    Numerology Card
    Reflexology Card
    Tarot Cards Set Grand Luxe
     WELLNESS -  Bowls -  Tibetan Bowls - 7 Chakras Cushion Set
    Bronze Tibetan Bowl 24cm
    Bronze Tibetan Bowl 26cm
    Bronze Tibetan Bowl 28cm
    Bronze Tibetan Bowl 30cm
    Bronze Tibetan Bowl 32 cm.
    Seven Chakras Cushion Set
    Third Chakra Tibetan Bowl Ø7,5cm
     MINERALS -  Collectibles - 24 SEMIPRECIOUS GEMS Collection Wood Box
    Andalusia Stones. Collection
    Asturias Minerals. Collection
    Catalonia Stones. Collection
    Catalonia Stones. Collection
    Collection of 12 polyhedra.
    Fluorescent Minerals
    Mineral Hardness Collection
    Minerals and Rocks from Volcanoes. Collection
    Minerals Castilla La Mancha. Collection
    Minerals Collection Wood Box
    Picos Mineral of Europe Collection
    Spain Stones 1. Collection
    Spain Stones 2. Collection
    World Gemstone 1. Collection
    World Gemstone 2. Collection
    World Gemstone 3. Collection
    World Gemstone 4. Collection
    World Stones 1. Collection
    World Stones 2. Collection
    World Stones 3. Collection
    World Stones 4. Collection
    World Stones 5. Collection
    World Stones 6
    World Stones Display.
     ACCESORIES -  Plastic Boxes -
    10 Department Box
    12 Department plastic Box
    Box with 12 plastic boxes ø30mm x 15mm
    Box with black foam 27x27x21mm. Set 10un.
    Carboard Transparent Plastic. Set 16 Units
    Cardboard Box PVC 22.8X10X12CM
    Cardboard Plastic 135x65x80mm
    Hanging box 35x50x15mm (set 3units.)
    Hanging Box 50x75x15mm (set 12u.)
    Plastic box 18x8mm. Set 25 units
    Plastic box 27x27x26mm. Set 50un. Black Base
    Plastic box 30x30x28mm. Black Base. Set 96 Un.
    Plastic box 30x30x28mm. White Base. Set 96Units
    Plastic box 40x31x35mm. Set 12Un
    Plastic box 42x42x33mm. Set 32un. Black Base
    Plastic box 56x42x33mm. Set 24un. Black Base
    Plastic box 62x47x42mm. White base. Set 32Un
    Plastic box 76x66x56mm. White base. Set 20Un
    Plastic box 85x60x12mm. Set 10un.
    Plastic box 85x60x12mm. Set 10un.
    Plastic Box. 42x37x32mm. White base. Set 9un
    Plastic Box. ø35mm x H25mm (Set 5 Un.)
    Plastic Box. ø40mm x H30mm (Set 3u.)
    Plastic Box. ø40mm x H50mm (Set 5 Un.)
    Plastic boxes 30x30x28mm. Black base (16un)
    Plastic boxes 40x40x20mm (6un)
    Plastic boxes 40x40x39mm (54un)
    PLastic boxes 40x40x39mm, black base (54un)
    Plastic boxes 40x40x39mm. Set 9 uni
    Plastic boxes 40x40x39mmm. Set 6un. Black base
    Plastic boxes 60x60x61mm. Set 24 un. Black Base
    Plastic boxes 60x60x61mm. Set 24 un. White Base
    Plastic boxes 60x60x61mm. Set 4 uni
    Plastic boxes 60x60x61mm. Set 4un. Black base
    Plastic magnifying box 25x25x25mm. Set 9Un
    Plastic magnifying box 40x40x40mm. Set 24Un
    Plastic Rund Box ø50mm x 20mm (Set 8units.)
    Plastic/hinge box 128x100x30mm. Set 24un. Black Base
    Plastic/hinge box 35x35x36mm. Set 40un. Black Base
    Plastic/hinge box 55x55x55mm. Set 28un. Black Base
    Plastic/hinge box 68x68x68mm. Set 15un. Black Base
    Plexi Box. ø30mm x H15mm (Set 12units.)
    Porcelain Streak Test. Set 3units
    PVC Urn-type. 85X85X75mm (3uni)
    Rectangular Box 66x48x22mm. Set 6units.
    Square PVC Box 93x93x58mm
     JEWELLERY -  Accessories - Big Black Wicker Bracellet Showcase
    Big Black Wicker Bust Showcase
    Earrings Showcase (24 earrings)
    Floating Frame Display 10x10x3cm
    Floating Frame Display 15x15x3cm
    Floating Frame Display 8x8x3cm
    Metal Bust Display
    Methacrylate Necklace Showcase White
    Necklace Showcase Velvet Imitation Black
    Necklace Showcase Velvet Imitation Black
    Necklace Showcase Velvet Imitation Blue 35x23cm
    Showcase Necklaces (measure necklaces)
    Small Black Wicker Bracellet Showcase
    Small Black Wicker Bust Showcase
     DECOR -  Bags - Bag Chinese Symbol. Set 5 un
    Bag Dragon Symbol. Set 5un
    Blue Moon and Sun Bag 9,5x14cm. Pack 50u.
    Celtic Tote Bag
    Chakra Velvet Bag
    Christmas Bag 10x14 (Pack 100 un)
    Christmas Bag 9x12 (Pack 100 un)
    Dreamcatcher Tote Bag
    Fatima's Hand Tote Bag
    Flower of Life Bag
    Garnet Velvet Bag 16x12. Pack 50 un
    Golden Moon and Star Bag 10x12 pack 50un
    Golden Moon and Star Bag 12x17. (Pack 50 un)
    Green Moon and Sun Bag 10x14. (Pack 100 un)
    Lotus Flower Velvet Bag
    Om Tote Bag
    Red Velvet Bag 16x12cm. Pack 50 pcs
    Reiki Velvet Bag
    Silver Moon and Star Bag 10x12. (Pack 50 un)
    Yellow Moon and Star Bag 13x18. Pack 100 un
     DECOR -  Cups / Coasters -
    Angel, Angelite and Amethyst Eye Coasters (2u)
    Black terracotta teapot. Asia 6x3.80cm
    Black Yellow Om Cup
    Bottle with Multicolour Fluorite Point.
    Chakras Cappuccino Cup
    Fatima Hand, Lapis and Turquoise Eye Coa